 2 years ago  

hahaha that boneless bail woooo!
nobody was able to conquer that gap. looked like there were some cool slappy rails at the top.
homie never got the kickflip back tail to fakie? thats a crying shame, he didnt deserve the 40oz.
the techno music sounded good, but i had to fast forward through part of the video where you were showing your hands pushing buttons

The gap was quite big, we needed to record more and have more drums. hehe
This was a first attempt.

 2 years ago  

Nice music and clips man! That's Boneless bail though... Daaaaamn!

my brother didn't skate anymore after that hit jeje😅

Have you tried the alternate firmware for the volca sample? I always try to mention it when people post theirs, so sorry if I already mentioned it!

I haven't tried it yet, but now that I am dedicating more time to it I will definitely try it, thanks for the mention.

Telaraña krew is sick!!! Loncho ate shit as a thrasher dude yo!! hahaha F 😤
I would love to see more remixes like this from your music art plus skateboarding @kike.adventure LFG🚀🍀