Automobili na semaforu 🚚🚗🚕🚚Cars at traffic lights

in Sketchbook19 days ago

Unapred se izvinjavam što nisam fotografisali više koraka u procesu, ali eto, dešava mi se da se zanesen i zaboravim, ali...
Mislim da će vam i ove dve fotografije dočarati kratak,ali uočljiv proces akvarela..🖌️

I apologize in advance for not taking photos of more steps in the process, but hey, sometimes I get carried away and forget, but...
I think that these two photos will give you a brief but noticeable watercolor process..🖌️


Ovde se jasno vidi polu-skica. Povukla sam horizontalnu liniju. U gornjem delu sa desne i leve strane su zgrade, a u donjem senke vozila u saobraćaju koji na slici trenutno čekaju na semaforu. U sredini su automobili ...
Kombinacija crvenih i plavo ljubičastih boja kao i dugačke senke, govore o predvečernjem delu dana...

Here you can clearly see the semi-sketch. I drew a horizontal line. In the upper part on the right and left side are buildings, and in the lower part are the shadows of vehicles in traffic, which in the picture are currently waiting at the traffic lights. In the middle are the cars...
The combination of red and blue-violet colors as well as long shadows speak of the early evening part of the day.


Deluje moćno zar ne?
Skor da čujem turiranje motora, i dan koji polako prelazi u veče..
Ovo je bi moj današnji izazov. A vaš? 😉🥰
Laku noć dragi hajveri i ne zaboravite da sanjate snove u boji...🌈✨

Seems powerful doesn't it?
I can almost hear the revving of the engine, and the day slowly turning into evening..
This is my challenge today. And yours? 😉🥰
Good night dear hivars and don't forget to dream dreams in color...🌈✨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Great painting

Thank you my friend.👋

I like the illustration of this painting , really lovely

Nice, thank you! 🥰👋

You’re welcome