Bubamara mala. 🐞🐞🐞Little ladybug. 🐞🐞🐞

in Sketchbook4 months ago (edited)

Tačkice svoje broji

na list zelen stala

ničeg se ne boji.

She counts his dots

it stopped on a green leaf

he is not afraid of anything.

Začas ona odleti

I na ruci se djevojčice nađe

a zatim se iznenada sjeti

pa joj u rukav zađe.

And on the hand of the little girl is found

and then suddenly remembered

so it went into her sleeve.


Djevojčica je na dlan polaže

pa je za ljubav pita...

The little girl puts it on her palm

so she asks for love...


...bubamara da joj kaže

gdje se mali dečak skita...

ladybug to tell her

where the little boy roams...



Ne diraj mi tačkice moje

bubamara je zamoli...

ladybug to tell her

where the little boy roams...



...vidiš da su lijepe boje

a ja ću ti reći,ko te voli.

you can see that they are beautiful colors

and I will tell you who loves you.

Hvala što ste deo mog slikarskog kutka. Nadam se da vas je moja bubamara bar malo raznežila. 🥰🐞
Želim vam lep i uspešan dan dragi Hajveri.🎵☀️🌷🐞

Thank you for being part of my painting corner. I hope my ladybug blew you away at least a little. 🐞
I wish you a nice and successful day dear Hiveri. 🎵☀️🌷🐞

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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It's pretty ❤️

Thank you my friend!

nice work i like it :D



🙃🐞 this Ladybug has so much life 🍃🤗

The colors show it !