Kompilacija mojih ženskih akvarel portreta A compilation of my female watercolor portraits

in Sketchbookyesterday (edited)

Približava se Dan ŽENA, pa sam odlučila da večerašnji post posvetimo ženama i njenoj unutrašnjoj i spoljašnjoj lepoti.
Koliko su žene moćne, hrabre, lepe i jake, pokušala sam da pokažem kroz ovih nekoliko portreta...

WOMEN'S Day is approaching, so I decided to dedicate tonight's post to women and their inner and outer beauty.
I tried to show how powerful, brave, beautiful and strong women are through these few portraits...


Kroz istoriju, žene su bile simbol snage, upornosti i izuzetne lepote – ne samo spoljašnje, već i one koja dolazi iz duha, hrabrosti i neustrašivosti. Od drevnih vremena do savremenog doba, žene su oblikovale svet, rušile prepreke i dokazivale da lepota i snaga idu ruku pod ruku.

Throughout history, women have been a symbol of strength, tenacity, and extraordinary beauty—not only outwardly, but also that which comes from spirit, courage, and fearlessness. From ancient times to modern times, women have shaped the world, broken down barriers and proved that beauty and strength go hand in hand.


U antičkoj Grčkoj i Rimu, žene poput Kleopatre i Hipatije bile su oličenje harizme i inteligencije. Kleopatra, egipatska kraljica, bila je poznata ne samo po svojoj vanrednoj lepoti već i po političkoj oštroumnosti, dok je Hipatija, kao filozofkinja i matematičarka, bila simbol mudrosti i naučne radoznalosti.

In ancient Greece and Rome, women like Cleopatra and Hypatia were the epitome of charisma and intelligence. Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen, was known not only for her extraordinary beauty but also for her political acumen, while Hypatia, as a philosopher and mathematician, was a symbol of wisdom and scientific curiosity.


Srednji vek je doneo izazove, ali i junakinje poput Ivane Orleanke, koja se, vođena nepokolebljivom verom, borila za svoju zemlju, prkoseći svim društvenim normama. U istom periodu, žene su bile zaštitnice umetnosti i znanja, skrivene junakinje koje su uticale na razvoj društva u tišini svojih domova i samostana.

The Middle Ages brought challenges, but also heroines like Joan of Arc, who, guided by unshakable faith, fought for her country, defying all social norms. In the same period, women were protectors of art and knowledge, hidden heroes who influenced the development of society in the silence of their homes and monasteries.


U modernom dobu, žene su nastavile da pomeraju granice. Od revolucionarki i književnica do naučnica i liderki, one su dokazale da hrabrost može promeniti tok istorije. Od Marie Curie, prve žene dobitnice Nobelove nagrade, do Emmeline Pankhurst, koja se borila za prava žena, svaka od njih je bila primer kako unutrašnja snaga osvetljava put generacijama koje dolaze.

In the modern age, women have continued to push the boundaries. From women revolutionaries and writers to women scientists and leaders, they have proven that courage can change the course of history. From Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, to Emmeline Pankhurst, who fought for women's rights, each of them exemplified how inner strength lights the way for generations to come.


Danas, ženska lepota i hrabrost ogledaju se u svakodnevnim pričama – u majkama koje grade bolji svet za svoju decu, u ženama koje se bore za pravdu i jednakost, u umetnicama koje svojim delima inspirišu svet.

Today, women's beauty and courage are reflected in everyday stories - in mothers who build a better world for their children, in women who fight for justice and equality, in artists who inspire the world with their works.


Jer prava lepota žene nije samo u njenom izgledu – ona je u njenoj hrabrosti da se suprotstavi nepravdi, u njenoj inteligenciji koja menja svet i u njenoj ljubavi kojom ga čini boljim mestom.

Because the true beauty of a woman is not only in her appearance - it is in her courage to stand up to injustice, in her intelligence that changes the world and in her love that makes it a better place.

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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Jako dobro! Bravo!

Hvala @careassaktart !


So beautiful portraits! Well done! ❤️

Thank you @silviabeneforti !
