
in Sketchbookyesterday

Hose Muica je rekao:

Jose Muica said:

Došli smo do brda preteranih potreba. Morate stalno kupovati i bacati. To su naši životi koje uništavamo. Kada ja nešto kupim ili kada vi to kupite, mi ne plaćamo novcem. Plaćamo u međuvremenu životima koje smo bili prinuđeni da potrošimo da bismo zaradili novac.
Ovako počinjem današnji crtež...

We have reached the mountain of excessive needs. You have to keep buying and throwing away. It is our lives that we are destroying. When I buy something or when you buy it, we don't pay with money. We pay in the meantime with the lives we were forced to spend to earn money.
This is how I start today's drawing...


Za slikare je sve inspirativno. Aktuelne društvene teme, politička dešavanja, pejzaži, ljudi...sve.

Everything is inspiring for painters. Current social issues, political events, landscapes, people...everything.


U poslednje vreme razmišljam o tome koliko smo zauzeti materijalnim, da propuštamo onu lepšu stranu života...

Lately I've been thinking about how busy we are with material things, that we miss out on the beautiful side of life...


Zato sam danas nacrtala ljude ispred Prodavnice kako stalno kupuju kao da je to suština življenja...

That's why today I drew people in front of the store, constantly shopping as if it were the essence of living...


A dok mi planiramo, život se dešava...

And while we plan, life happens..


Bila je ovo tema vredna pažnje. Mislite o ovome...☝️

This was a topic worthy of attention. Think about this...☝️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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This is lovely ❤️
