Sneg prekriva tišinu/Snow covers the silence

in Sketchbook3 days ago

Zima je još uvek aktuelna, pa evo još jedan zimski pejzaž. U ovom akvarelu dominira plava boja, jer sam pokušala da dočaram jaku zimu...
Uživajte u procesu...

Winter is still relevant, so here is another winter landscape. In this watercolor, the color blue dominates, because I tried to evoke a strong winter...
Enjoy the process…


Zima dolazi tiho, sneg pada s neba,
Beli pokrivač prekriva svuda, gde god da se gleda.

Winter comes quietly, snow falls from the sky,
A white blanket covers everything, wherever you look.


Hladan vetar nosi miris zime,
A na grani se sneg, kao biser sija.

The cold wind carries the scent of winter,
And on the branch the snow shines like a pearl.


Tišina u vazduhu, spokoj u duši,
Zimski dan u srcu nežno se širi ..

Silence in the air, peace in the soul,
A winter day in the heart is gently spreading..


Sve je belo, svet je miran,
U tom spokojnom svetu, svaki tren je dragocen...
Budite svesni lepote oko sebe...

Everything is white, the world is peaceful,
In that peaceful world, every moment is precious...
Be aware of the beauty around you...

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Your art has a lot of depth.