The cat stared!

in Sketchbook4 months ago

Kada tinejdzeri žele da kažu da su nešto jako dobro uradili, kažu: POKIDAO SAM!
E pa vidite, ja sam današnju mačku koju sam danas naslikala- POKIDALA!
Mislim da sam ovom "skicom" prevazišla samu sebe!
Dakle, njeno visočanstvo, mačka!

When teenagers want to say that they have done something very well, they say: I TOOK IT!
Well, you see, I tore today's cat that I painted today!
I think I surpassed myself with this "sketch"!
So her highness, the cat!


Počela sam od ušiju. Uši su antene mačkama i trzaju se na najmanji zvuk. Bojila sam ih roze i braon bojom

I started with the ears. The ears are the antennae of cats and they twitch at the slightest sound. I painted them pink and brown


Kao i obično, zanela sam se i propustila da fotografišem svaki korak, ali konačan izgled oduševljava ❤️

As usual, I got carried away and missed taking photos of every step, but the final look is amazing ❤️


Što manje intervencije bojama, teže je naslikati nešto i dočarati ono što želite. Ovu mačku sam uradila u nekoliko poteza, ali moraju biti sigurni i unapred osmišljeni.

The less intervention with colors, the more difficult it is to paint something and convey what you want. I did this cat in several moves, but they must be safe and thought out in advance.




Mačka se najzad zagledala!
Toliko sam zadovoljna da nisam sigurna da li bi mogla ovako dobro da je ponovim, ali bi sigurno ispala lepa na neki drugi način. 🥰☝️

The cat finally stared!
I'm so happy with it that I'm not sure if I could replicate it this well, but it would certainly turn out beautiful in a different way. ☝️

Hvala što ste posetili moj blog i po ko zna koji put uživali zajedno sa mnom!

Thanks for visiting my blog and enjoying it with me for the umpteenth time!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Bome si pokidala mačku, mačko! :) Bravo! Jako dobro! Tako živa slika, skoro da ne izađe sa papira.

"CareAss Life Guru"..hahaha, care!

Drago mi je da se komšiluk javlja. ❤️ Super da je neko shvatio izvornu reč pokidati...😉

Hvala prijatelju! 👋

Dugo nisam čuo tu riječ. Neka si ju izvukla iz zaborava!

I hajde da se mi pratimo i podržavamo! 😁

Radujem se!

Mi se nećemo raspasti kao Jugoslavija! 😁😉🥰👋

Ne daj Bože! 😇

You are good at watercolor, which I personally find difficult! Everyone has their teeth!

Definitely the most difficult technique.

Thank you very much!

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This looks really nice. Beautiful work, well done 👍🏾.

I'm glad you like it.
Thanks a lot for your support!
Greetings and all the best!


So cute. Beautiful work

I'm glad if this kitty made your day
Thank you for visiting!


Thank you @gislandpoetic !