Tibetanska mala devojčica.🥰Tibetan little girl.

in Sketchbooklast month (edited)

U kineskom jeziku reč Tibet znači "riznica zemaljskog blaga na zapadu". Pojam Tibeta asocira na mistiku, duhovno bogatstvo i krajnje religiozan narod. Zna se da su Severni i Južni pol dve krajnje tačke planete, ali mnogi, zbog nadmorske visine, smatraju Tibet za treću krajnost. Tibet je najviša visoravan na svetu sa prosečnom visinom od oko 5.000 metara. Sa svih strana okružen je himalajskim vencima koji se izdižu iznad 7.700 metara.

In the Chinese language, the word Tibet means "treasury of earthly treasures in the west". The term Tibet is associated with mysticism, spiritual wealth and extremely religious people. It is known that the North and South Poles are the two extreme points of the planet, but many, because of the altitude, consider Tibet to be the third extreme. Tibet is the highest plateau in the world with an average height of about 5,000 meters. It is surrounded on all sides by the Himalayan ranges that rise above 7,700 meters.


Ovo je zemlja misterija, tajni i surove divljine... To je i zemlja monaha poklonika dalaj-lame, izgnanog iz svog prestonog grada Lase tokom kineske komunističke revolucije pedesetih godina prošlog veka. Od tada je Tibet pod upravom Kine, kao jedna od mnogih kineskih provincija.

This is the land of mysteries, secrets and harsh wilderness... It is also the land of monks who are devotees of the Dalai Lama, exiled from their capital city of Lhasa during the Chinese Communist Revolution in the 1950s. Since then, Tibet has been under the administration of China, as one of the many Chinese provinces.


Ono što treba obavezno videti na Tibetu jesu njegovi lamaistički manastiri. Tu se nalazi i najveći manastir na svetu sa više od 40.000 monaha. U Lasi pažnju mora da privuče spektakularna palata Potala, sa 19 spratova i 1.000 dvorana, podignuta u 17. veku na uzvišenju iznad grada, koja je potonjih 200 godina bila najviša zgrada na svetu.

Ono što treba obavezno videti na Tibetu jesu njegovi lamaistički manastiri. Tu se nalazi i najveći manastir na svetu sa više od 40.000 monaha. U Lasi pažnju mora da privuče spektakularna palata Potala, sa 19 spratova i 1.000 dvorana, podignuta u 17. veku na uzvišenju iznad grada, koja je potonjih 200 godina bila najviša zgrada na svetu
A must-see in Tibet is its Lamaist monasteries. There is also the largest monastery in the world with more than 40,000 monks. In Lhasa, attention must be drawn to the spectacular Potala Palace, with 19 floors and 1,000 halls, built in the 17th century on a hill above the city, which for the following 200 years was the tallest building in the world


Na Tibetu živi oko pet miliona stanovnika, od toga su pola miliona nomadi. Glavna grana je stočarstvo, zatim lov na životinje s krznom; zemljoradnja po rečnim dolinama i kotlinama. Rudno blago je neistraženo. Otkrivene su, doduše, rude gvožđa i obojenih metala, a proizvode se i kameni ugalj, so i zlato.

About five million people live in Tibet, of which half a million are nomads. The main branch is animal husbandry, followed by hunting of animals with fur; farming in river valleys and basins. The mineral wealth is unexplored. However, iron and non-ferrous ores were discovered, and coal, salt and gold are also produced.



Pored veličanstvene prirode, fascinantne religije, izuzetnih građevina, smeh je ono što krasi stanovnike Tibeta. Nije slučajno da se reka koja protiče kroz Lasu zove Srećna reka.

In addition to the magnificent nature, fascinating religion, extraordinary buildings, laughter is what adorns the inhabitants of Tibet. It is no coincidence that the river that flows through Lhasa is called the Happy River.




Nadam se da ste uživali u mojoj današnjoj temi. Trudila sam se da post bude i edukativan ali i uživanje za oko. Uživala sam slikajući ovu devojčicu rumenih obraza. Verujem da vas je ova Tibetanska devojčica oduševila kao i mene. ❤️

I hope you enjoyed my topic today. I tried to make the post educational as well as pleasing to the eye. I enjoyed painting this rosy-cheeked little girl. I believe that this Tibetan girl delighted you as much as I did. ❤️

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Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


This is really cool

Thank you! 👋

You're welcome

Bravo. 🌹👏🏾

This is gorgeous!

Tnx ❤️👋


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