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RE: What It's Like Working for OCD [Happy 2nd Cake Day OCDB!]

in OCD3 years ago

Bit by bit I am getting a grip on the Hive and I have to say that curating in a serious manner is indeed a lot of work. I am reading several posts a day and to find the good ones among the not so good ones takes time.

I'm picking posts here and there to learn about the things on Hive, finding ones that are helpful in explaining is not so easy either lol.

So without being a slimy ass creeper I can say that you guys are doing a good job, as far as I can tell. Esp when picking my posts...😂 just kidding...seriously for all reading, I'm just kidding.

Putting content together that is somewhat of value is hard work as well and not made in a blink of an eye. I can tell. I'm either slow or just trying to hold the little bit of standard up I put myself upon when joining the online world 5 month ago, but writing a post takes time.

🤔 Anything else I wanna mention now? Nope, gotta take out Joy now...Have a good one 😁

 3 years ago  

We curators often disagree on what we regard as quality content, but we all agree that a quality content has effort. Writing a post takes time and effort and we can see effort in a post based on experience. When your post is upvoted by OCD, it means a curator find value in it.

I can imagine you have discussions lol. I'm always glad if someone likes what I throw in da Hive, curator or not.