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RE: Crazy Wild Daffodils

in OCD3 years ago

Wow, never seen so many wild Daffodils. We have a few growing on our farm but nothing even close to that. You should dig up some of those bulbs and plant them at you home, but be carful they may takeover, haha ;)


Haha thats a good idea i should do that. I saw a few people digging some up. It would be great if they took over where the guant patch of stinging nettle is growing. I could do without those weeds.

On no, don't kill the nettle. Even though it is prickly and painful, it is quite good to eat. All you have to do is boil it till it softens then use it like spinach. All the prickliness goes away after boiling. Lots of recipes online.

I've actually been told that by several people but have never tried it. I really need to give it a go, especially since I have a hole crop of it in the backyard. Ive heard that you can make tea out of it as well.