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RE: So What’s The Criteria For A Quality Post? - How Curators Make Their Selections...

in OCD3 years ago

Hola @crosheille, felicitaciones por ésta publicación, sin duda ha resultado maravilloso leerte, primero porque fue una lectura muy agradable y segundo porque cada uno de los consejos ofrecidos vale la pena tenerlos en cuenta en cada publicación que hagamos, digamos son reglas de oro que ofrecerá valor agregado a todos(as). Mi presencia en esta plataforma es relativamente nueva, y estoy orgullosa de formar parte de un equipo donde nos apoyemos y sintamos valorados por el esfuerzo y amor que le ponemos a cada publicación; más allá de la ganancia monetaria que podamos alcanzar… Voy paso a paso construyendo este camino valioso para tributar a todos.

Mas allá de los criterios señalados, (Imágenes de buena presentación, esfuerzo, compromiso,pasión y personalidad) que a mi parecer son la clave del éxito, yo me atrevería a proponer que cada integrante de esta gran familia llamada HIVE debe, por sobre todas las cosas, hacer sus publicaciones con extremo amor, amor propio y amor al prójimo, por éste es el motor principal que hará hará de cada uno de los criterios señalados se alcancen a plenitud. Se deben tomar el ejercicio de publicar contenido como si fueran a exponerlas en una gran sala de exposiciones y no solo publicar por publicar, porque da la sensación de piratería…. En la plataforma he visto de todo, desde integrantes muy viejos con publicaciones que dan pensamientos para dudar … como integrantes nuevos que ofrecen una calidad maravillosa en sus creaciones; por cosas como éstas , creo el tema de la Curaduria es tan importante y cada día deberían perfeccionarse las técnicas y métodos para resaltar los trabajos de calidad.

No creo tenga publicaciones perfectas, estoy lejos de eso porque estoy aprendiendo paso a paso e internalizando procesos; pero le pongo a mis publicaciones TODO MI AMOR así como se lo pongo a mis creaciones y por eso me encanta compartirlas con ustedes…

Gracias nuevamente por esta publicación que demuestra su amor al crecimiento colectivo de la plataforma.

Infinitas bendiciones.

Hi @crosheille, congratulations for this publication, it has certainly been wonderful to read you, first because it was a very pleasant reading and second because each of the tips offered is worth taking into account in each publication we make, let's say they are golden rules that will offer added value to everyone. My presence on this platform is relatively new, and I am proud to be part of a team where we support each other and feel valued for the effort and love we put into each publication; beyond the monetary gain that we can achieve ... I go step by step building this valuable way to pay tribute to all.

Beyond the criteria indicated (images of good presentation, effort, commitment, passion and personality) that in my opinion are the key to success, I would dare to propose that each member of this great family called HIVE must, above all things, make their publications with extreme love, self-love and love for others, because this is the main engine that will make each of the criteria indicated will be achieved to the fullest. They should take the exercise of publishing content as if they were going to expose them in a large exhibition hall and not just publish for the sake of publishing, because it gives the feeling of piracy .... In the platform I have seen everything, from very old members with publications that give thoughts to doubt ... as new members who offer a wonderful quality in their creations; for things like these, I think the issue of curatorship is so important and every day should be perfected techniques and methods to highlight quality work.

I don't think I have perfect publications, I am far from that because I am learning step by step and internalizing processes; but I put to my publications ALL MY LOVE as I put it to my creations and that's why I love to share them with you....

Thank you again for this publication that shows your love to the collective growth of the platform.

Infinite blessings.

Text translated in

 3 years ago  

I think putting love into everything you do makes a huge difference.

Learning step by step and then utilizing those things are what helps us to grow and be able to improve on what we do :)

Thank you, I do love this platform and want to see it and it’s members thrive.

Thanks for providing this lovely input ~

Gracias a ti y al maravillo equipo que permitió la publicación de este contenido.

Este tipo de información debería estar programado de forma automática para que cada nuevo integrante lo lea y aprenda muy bien antes de comenzar su camino en hive.

Saludos y bendiciones.

Thanks to you and the wonderful team that allowed the publication of this content.

This kind of information should be automatically programmed for every new member to read and learn very well before starting their journey in hive.

Greetings and blessings.

 3 years ago  

This kind of information should be automatically programmed for every new member to read

It would be awesome if there was a feature of some sort. This post will eventually be so far down in history that it will be hard to find.

Hmmmm you’re on to something. 🤔😄

Lo bueno es que como es una publicación de mucha calidad e importancia, siempre se podrá volver a recrear en una versión nueva y mejorada, y así mantener a los nuevos (y viejos jeje) en actualización permanente.

Pero, pensándolo bien... todo nuevo registro, debería recibir (así como las claves ) un manual de normas básicas y comunes, que rigen en todas las comunidades… Habrá que pensarlo... porque se debe evitar se use esta plataforma de manera inadecuada con materiales que no suman sino restan calidad al crecimiento grupal.


The good thing is that as it is a publication of great quality and importance, it can always be recreated in a new and improved version, and thus keep the new (and old hehe) in permanent update.

But, on second thought... all new registrations should receive (as well as the passwords) a manual of basic and common rules, which apply to all communities... We will have to think about it... because we must avoid using this platform in an inadequate way with materials that do not add but subtract quality to the group's growth.


 3 years ago  

I have published a post like this before (not as detailed and without quotes). With new people joining everyday posts like these need to be seen to inform and re-inform users.

However, I think it would just have to be redone and published again later on down the line.

Thanks for analyzing with me ;D