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RE: Small moment

in OCD3 years ago

Touching! Haven't we all done dumb things while growing up, thinking we knew better? I remember the silly things I'd done and shake my head at myself, thankful that patental love overlooked them.

With age sometimes comes maturity but not everyone realizes when and how they have gone wrong. You have and that makes it all better.

Like Tecumseh rightly said, be thankful that you had your dad as a father and a role model. Be thankful that you are a reflection of him now; his legacy lives on in you, your thoughts and deeds. 🙂


Thanks Kemmy, I appreciate your comment.

You're right, kids sometimes just don't know better, point in case, my story above. I've had many head-shake moments as an adult looking back at my younger days. Clearly I still do.

I can't go back and make things right. All those things, everything in my life has brought me to be the man sitting here typing this comment. [G-dog shrugs] I am what I am, good, bad and all the things in the middle. That's who we all are I guess.