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RE: The other side

in OCD2 years ago

A lot of newer user's can't see the wider picture and when one high rep account complain about getting downvotes from lots of accounts, they immediately think he's being bullied and silenced. Said user has been throwing tantrums for way too long and if Hive truly can silence a person he'd disappeared ages ago. That's what these newer users don't understand.

Same said user thinks he has his little circle of loyal friends supporting him, but all they're doing are egging him along, which tbh is very smart of them. Why get my own hands dirty when there's a fool who wants to stick his head out to be the hero and fight a lost cause for everyone. I bet you they're all munching their popcorn as they have nothing to lose


Calls the platform Satanic yet doesn't mind using the rewards generated to cash out. Dunno if it's just a cultural thing but from where I am from, you don't accept what you think is dirty money from what you perceive as a dirty hand to use the money to your benefit to preserve your honor. He has none of that and still scraping cents off what's left staked to his account and scrape cents off another platform.