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RE: Full-time Something

in OCD3 years ago

There is no excuse. As Tom and you have stated, this is all stuff we have seen before and it's ultimate aim is always the same, to farm rewards. Would you pay someone to log in to your work account and do your work? Hell no. I don't care what people post just that it's their own work. Especially if it hits trending where as you rightly point out, you attract attention and it isn't always the attention you are after!


Hit trending enough and you are going to get seen eventually. It is why Sweetsssj would upvote her circle on the third or fourth day...

On the contrary, I do put the blame on the user alone.

I don't think the system is broken. I think the system isn't perfect and it has its faults. Not all users seek to exploit those faults. I know many users and I don't think that even the majority look to exploit loopholes where they can.

It depends on the mindset how you view it.

I agree. It is interesting how large stakeholders are to blame for all the ills of the world. THey push people to be criminals! :D

Lol. It's always someone else's fault! :0D

I think this person has some grudges and a chip on the shoulder or something.

I think a chip, a bitter one. It hasn't done much so I suspect it is probably an alt used for sniping and grumping.

I am sorry that you are so ridiculously presumptuous when you receive a challenging viewpoint.

Well, not really sorry. But you get where I was going, I'm sure.

Oh dear, a buffoon.

You say there is no challenging viewpoint. How about...

You say its not the users fault. I say it is.

You say the system is broken. I say it isn't.

I mean, do you even understand the basics?

It is unfortunate to realize that mindset like yours managed to persist in a system that is supposed to be decentralized in almost every aspect

Jealous much?

I suspect that you are a friend of the user mentioned in the original post. Quick faithful dog, leap to her defense!

Finally and I mean finally...

what you as a stakeholder and pretty much the rest of the community should be working on moving forward

Decentralisation means not having people like you tell us how the rest of us should act.