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RE: Small moment

in OCD3 years ago

Boomie has already said pretty much said this, but as a parent I can guarantee you that things you did as a child need no forgiving. I've had my girls bring up and apologise for something I barely even remembered and most certainly never held against them. I wouldn't have even thought about it again had they not mentioned it. My sister was a rebel, my eldest pushed some boundaries, but I guarantee you they are still loved unconditionally.

If you wish to apologise for your own peace of mind, then you should. I know your father would likely say something along the lines of it being a funny memory and so like you.


Wise words from a wise and in tune woman. Thank you. I can hardly imagine those daughters of yours doing something they need to apologise but I guess they're human like the rest of us. Most of us. 😬

I think for me it's the fact he's gone and I don't have the opportunity to say anything to him that is the hardest. That cliff-debacle is probably less the issue. I think it's quite normal to feel this way. Maybe.

Thanks for your comment and perspective as a parent.

I think we probably all have things we wish we'd said to loved ones when we had the chance. Something we need to come to terms with, perhaps. One of life's many lessons...

I often wish I'd asked my grandmother more about her experiences during the war and indeed after when she lived in England as a German after the countries had been on conflicting sides. She must have encountered some discrimination, but never mentioned it to us.

Yeah, I think that's common. At the time we don't think of it, but later, and older, it becomes a thing. Sad really.