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RE: Comes easily, goes passively

in OCD4 years ago

While you read one sentence, there might be ten tangents of thoughts that I could have gone down, but for some reason or other, I chose the one I did. I find the process fascinating, as I essentially have little control over the thoughts I have and perhaps I don't have much control over what i end up choosing either.

I have the hunch that if you try to express and write your thoughts (the avalanche of them) in a secondary language (for instance, Funnish or Spanglish) more often. You will probably be able to give your mind a break and feel a lil bit less burned and broken mentally and physically at the end of the day.

Perhaps in this way you could keep the reins of your thoughts with greater control and prevent them from running wild and diverting the course and destination to which you previously wanted to arrive. And therefore, at the end be able to feel more relaxed without having to have fighted so much against that wild colt along the way. Hahahaha };)

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I don't think I want to focus my thoughts, until I have a need to focus them. Who knows what I will miss if I put the blinders on my thought freedom?

Well, the other recommendation I could give you. It is that you come to live for a while here in Venezuela and thus enjoy with all of us the constant blackouts, cuts and interruptions of electricity and internet services almost daily.

Perhaps it's just this way that after the obligatory short session of curses, insults and blatant vulgarity out of your foul mouth thrown left and right after these often cute incidents. You finally will have the opportunity to think less, try to sleep more and rest more often so that you don't feel mentally and physically so devastated at the end of the day so frequently. Hey! I'm sure it would be of great benefit to your health live here in our gorgeous country for a while. :)

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Perhaps it would be good to live in Venezuela for a time - to get used to the future of everywhere else.

Oh! do not have the slightest doubt it would be so my friend. Curiously, Vzla is one of the pioneer countries whose noble people already have had the privilege and opportunity for long time to see, feel and live closely in our own flesh all that dystopian future that is approaching like a whirlwind to soon affect all countries worldwide in a similar way.

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