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RE: Like Phoenix...

in The City of Neoxian2 months ago

I think you are perfectly right on this one. The ideology of Africans is really poor concerning the white people. We keep calling the name of the Lord and keep praying but we fail to do our part. Quite all right we have leaders who have been sold to the slavery of greed but nevertheless we fail to play our own part


We fail to do our parts. We get all the support we need, we have access to abundance of resources but our leaders would rather keep them for themselves, make it look like Africa is poor so they can entice developed countries to part away with their resources to invest and yet the leaders will still keep the resources. It's sad.

You are right. We fail to do our parts, most of the time we fail to take up responsibilities thinking everything will play out perfectly without us not doing our part. It does not actually work that way. In fact I guess this is what has been making Africa poor compared to other continents out there

We failed to do our part. We have a good reason to select who we want as leaders yet with money and bribe, we vote who we shouldn't and cry foul. We failed to take responsibility sometimes and these so called leaders pry on that to exploit us the more.