Like Phoenix...


No doubt, we have leaders deeply rooted in greed and selfishness
They care about no one and they go about displaying their senselessness
In most African countries, it is every man for himself, they say
Yet they make everyone in the world to pay
Generally, the world is hurting and easily, it is bruising so badly
Yet, we have those who are meant to protect us turn a blind eye, sadly
While playing politics with people's lives as they amass the wealth to themselves
Amassing wealth they can never exhaust in their lifetime
Something that could have been used to better the citizens at as a while, per time
You ask, how did we ever get to this point?
Everyone wants to get into office to steal money just to better their own side of things
While sticking a knife into other people's side
While in their own closet all the best and choicest things hide
How does stealing from the public coffer turn into a thing of pride?
They make it so popular that it's either people call you a fool for refusing or you join the ride
When are we going to enjoy a form of permanent relief from this bad leadership tide?
Between civilization and development, most African countries leave the gap so wide
We keep praying and calling on God when we don't even do our part
Here we are, hoping for a miracle to come from God right from heaven
The same God we neglected for private gains and greed?
With comfort, luxuries of life and even some weed?
While we still ignore our neighbours with his or her pressing need?
The world have enough for our needs but never enough for our greed
Remember, here we are and there are still few more hurdles to cross
This is the time to be humble, make plans and not the time for pose
Like the Phoenix, let us look back and say, as a country... as a continent, we rose

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


This is the reality we have seen in most developing countries. Greed. Selfishness. Wickedness. No one cares. It's a sad reality but I believe we will rise again. We will see the light and fight the right fight to gain true freedom. Just like phoenix we will rise again.

Greed has honestly eaten deep into our system in Africa and that's the problem we have been struggling with even before the colonial masters came.

This same greed was why Africa fell into slavery and its sad we haven't learned our lessons.

The same greed put us into this same trouble o. Yes o. We haven't learned at all. It's not showing that we are even learning. Nigeria and other African countries need to rise up.

We need to rise. We need to take charge and do what's necessary. We need to kick greed to the curb if we are to make significant changes to the nation.

We haven't picked up the lessons at all. Greed has eaten so deep into us as a nation and continent that we can sell each other just for temporary comfort. It's sad.

It's sad I agree. We have the abundance of resources yet the son of a king is living as a pauper.

We have the abundance of resources but we are still struggling to make ends meet as a nation which is disturbing to be honest. We will be great again.

We will rise and we have to go back to the basics first. If we don't let go of that greed and wickedness, nothing can thrive. I know we can and I believe we will rise again.

It's hard for people with small faith to just believe that this great continent will rise again and it's really sad we have to be going through all of this.

Our foundation are bad and it's the reason why we are in this state today but there is still time for us to make the necessary amendments which involves all of us and not just the leaders.

The foundation is bad. Even if you ask a youth to go and lead now, the first thing that comes to mind is to steal enough money too. We need to have our orientation changed and learn what it means to serve.

That's right, 99.9% of Nigeria have the mindset of going there to loot because of the bad orientation everyone has gotten from those above.

If any miracle would happen, we have to correct our mindset...

We need to have a change of mindset if we want to see any significant change in the nation.

It is a fact that the developed countries in this world never want other poor countries to develop, so they do not support them at all, the way many countries are supported by us. We also know those who are working hard but are not succeeding because they need other support from other countries but no country is ready to do it in this way, so it is known that no one wants the country. If, after developing, it outpaces another country in development, that is the reason why a country does not help us.

It's not even the support but the people themselves. Some developed countries support developing countries and yet the so called leaders divert those funds to private purses because they want to keep people poor so they can easily control them.

It is a fact that there is no respect for a poor person, every person misbehaves with him, so we should not do that, we should help a poor person wherever we see him.

They have no respect for anyone. It's all about robbing the poor to make their own pockets grow. Government should be there to help the citizens but the reverse is the case.

The same thing is happening in our country, taxes are taken from the poor people so that the rich who are the rulers can enjoy themselves and they go to other countries every other day and here to the people. There is no money to eat bread.

I think your comment actually catches my attention over here. I will say one of the issue out there is the fact that even the poor countries seems not to be taken the advantage to even develop their own country. One of the things I believe is the fact that even if nobody wants to develop or help you, you help yourself. I will actually say it is high time poor or underdeveloped countries should start developing their own country themselves instead of actually waiting for countries to help them develop themselves. There are actually a whole lot of developed countries who actually need to make sure that they develop their countries by themselves even when nobody's want to come to their rescue

The greed is too much, because I see no reason why one would amass such amount of wealth that his living relatives cannot squander despite their careless lifestyle.
The right persons need to get into power and set up a system of checks and balances before power corrupts even this right person, because power is like strong wine, it can intoxicate anyone who takes it.

Some people will amass wealth that a thousand generations cannot exhaust. They are depriving others the basic things and yet they are happy and comfortable doing so. It's painful o

It's very painful, when I look around and see the state of things for the common man and compare it with what should have been obtainable, I just become sad.

It's scary because it keeps getting worse. A lot needs to be done if we are to get it right as a nation. A shift in mindset and conscious effort to make things right.

Just to actually add to your comments, I will say the issue with those countries also who seems their leader is eating their money up and seems like the citizens are suffering from it is because the law is corrupt. Most of those leaders who actually embezzle money are not really persecuted by the law thereby giving them the leverage to keep stealing and stealing the more which should not actually be so. So I believe a lot of countries can really do much more than allowing their leaders to eat money and go Scot free

Exactly, when the law is not being followed and there is no repercussions for breaking the law especially when the elites are involved, it emboldens them to continue in their evil ways.

If the law can really be considered and put into action much more. I strongly believe some of the issues we complain of in our countries can really be tacked and solved. Look at the likes of north Korea or china who have strict rules and regulations, it is difficult for their leaders to eat up money that is not actually theirs

This is not just in Africa, Asian countries are also affected by this thing very badly, these corrupt politicians only think for themselves, they send money outside and buy properties and hotels in their countries which they are leading, there are millions who are living a life below poverty line.

It's very sad and sickening. I wish I have invisible power where any leader that loots will be disgraced and exposed. They see power as a means to exploit and get wealth.

Very unfortunate that you place friend, I think that in almost all continents are like that, they create a political discourse but those who fill their pockets are them with their cheap talk, but it is the sad reality of everything, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, you can lift a country or a whole continent but we are young once and well hopefully there is peace and God give us health to see these countries developing and rising again, very thoughtful post ♥

God is willing to help us but most people are not ready because they are moved by material things and intoxicated by power and need to control others. It's quite sad that what should have gone round is being pocketed by selected few.

Well yes, unfortunately it is like that dear friend and while they are in power they will want to fill their pockets, when the leaders and politicians understand that the real wealth of a country is not its land or what it has but its people who live in that place, many things will change, but well let's hope that everything improves soon ♥

A nation that fails to develop the youth will suffer and that's why you see most youth leaving the country to a working system where they can feel valued and appreciated.

Exactly, it is becoming more and more frequent that many young people leave their country of origin to seek a better opportunity and a much better quality of life and it is a complete shame, so we must do something that is in our hands to be able to one way or another to improve the situation in our countries, have a great start of week for you and yours my friend ♥

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You are right, the world does not have everything that human greed desires, we always want more, we are not grateful or appreciate what we have.
I wish you a happy weekend

We always want what we don't need just so we can impress and fuel our ego which is bad. Greed and power by these so called leaders can be very very dangerous.

Everyone is all for themselves. It’s not only in African countries but in every part of the world

Yes, but when the structure is right in African countries, we can at least learn to develop even with human nature kicking in.

Every leader over there just want to be there to satisfy their own selfish desire and that is really what is destroy the country. We have few leaders of trusted integrity. Everyone want to satisfy their greed desire and is not concerned about others. Such a corrupt life we are in

We have very few leaders with integrity but the way the corrupt ones have designed and corrupted people's minds, they are giving them money every now and then to pervert justice. We are the ones responsible to kick them out of office if we can change our mindset.

Perfectly true.we really have few leaders who are actually concerned about the welfare of the citizens or the masses. Quite so bad. But let's hope for the future that there will be a change. I am quite positive about the Future nevertheless no matter what happens

I think you are perfectly right on this one. The ideology of Africans is really poor concerning the white people. We keep calling the name of the Lord and keep praying but we fail to do our part. Quite all right we have leaders who have been sold to the slavery of greed but nevertheless we fail to play our own part

We fail to do our parts. We get all the support we need, we have access to abundance of resources but our leaders would rather keep them for themselves, make it look like Africa is poor so they can entice developed countries to part away with their resources to invest and yet the leaders will still keep the resources. It's sad.

You are right. We fail to do our parts, most of the time we fail to take up responsibilities thinking everything will play out perfectly without us not doing our part. It does not actually work that way. In fact I guess this is what has been making Africa poor compared to other continents out there

We failed to do our part. We have a good reason to select who we want as leaders yet with money and bribe, we vote who we shouldn't and cry foul. We failed to take responsibility sometimes and these so called leaders pry on that to exploit us the more.

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