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RE: Like Phoenix...

God is willing to help us but most people are not ready because they are moved by material things and intoxicated by power and need to control others. It's quite sad that what should have gone round is being pocketed by selected few.


Well yes, unfortunately it is like that dear friend and while they are in power they will want to fill their pockets, when the leaders and politicians understand that the real wealth of a country is not its land or what it has but its people who live in that place, many things will change, but well let's hope that everything improves soon ♥

A nation that fails to develop the youth will suffer and that's why you see most youth leaving the country to a working system where they can feel valued and appreciated.

Exactly, it is becoming more and more frequent that many young people leave their country of origin to seek a better opportunity and a much better quality of life and it is a complete shame, so we must do something that is in our hands to be able to one way or another to improve the situation in our countries, have a great start of week for you and yours my friend ♥