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RE: Like Phoenix...

Just to actually add to your comments, I will say the issue with those countries also who seems their leader is eating their money up and seems like the citizens are suffering from it is because the law is corrupt. Most of those leaders who actually embezzle money are not really persecuted by the law thereby giving them the leverage to keep stealing and stealing the more which should not actually be so. So I believe a lot of countries can really do much more than allowing their leaders to eat money and go Scot free


Exactly, when the law is not being followed and there is no repercussions for breaking the law especially when the elites are involved, it emboldens them to continue in their evil ways.

If the law can really be considered and put into action much more. I strongly believe some of the issues we complain of in our countries can really be tacked and solved. Look at the likes of north Korea or china who have strict rules and regulations, it is difficult for their leaders to eat up money that is not actually theirs