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RE: 1890 Galleries Houses - Mérida Venezuela ENG-ESP

in Architecture+Design11 months ago (edited)

Hello @storiesoferne Yes, it is a painful situation and unfortunately we have several buildings in this condition, some are being restored.

As to your question, I think the design of the facade, well, the original design and concept, should be maintained. I do not know to what extent the structure is deteriorated, but I imagine that vegetation, humidity and all external agents have taken their toll, I consider that it should be demolished. It would be best to do a thorough inspection and determine this, but for now, this is my opinion.

I hope that if this happens, if they demolish it, they maintain its characteristics and I think they should do it because it is considered historical heritage, but lately in some remodeling the original designs have been lost and it has not been positive.

Thank you very much, greetings and blessings!


Yeah, that's understandable @doriangel. It's definitely more practical to demolish the dilapidated structure (maintaining the original design) rather than building over the old one. We wouldn't want to compromise the safety of occupants due to architectural and structural failures in the end. Thank you for your remarkable insight. Happy Sunday! 😊