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RE: Gothic Art: remarks for a debate

I pass through here without the intention of making a debate, but rather to bask in the beauty of your images !! Gothic art is one of the ones that fascinates me the most, especially Gothic architecture because of its shapes, its vaults, and angles. Although it is true that in America there are many cathedrals, especially with this style, Europe is the mother of these structures so close to heaven. Images 5 and 6 amazed me !! They have a very interesting perspective. Nice Sunday and hugs, @ juancar347
El Gótico es expresividad en estado puro, puede que de ahí venga la curiosa fascinación que suele producir. Acostumbrado a admirar estilos que le precedieron, como el Románico, el Gótico es un shock para los sentidos. Yo a veces lo imagino como poesía en movimiento, como una bailarina haciendo equilibrios imposibles: gracia, soltura, atrevimiento...Pero no siempre son edificios fáciles de 'leer'. Miguel de Unamuno, por ejemplo, decía que para él la catedral de León era un libro abierto. He estado muchas veces en la catedral de León y todavía la considero un libro difícil de digerir. En cuanto a tus preferencias...apuntas alto, pues el paisano que ves ahí plantado, es nada menos que el emperador Vespasiano, en cuyos tiempos, después de las cruentas guerras cántabras, se levantó el antiguo asentamiento que dio origen a la ciudad. Tampoco estaría mal verte con una corona de laurel entre el cabello...emperatriz Briti. Abrazos
Gothic is expressiveness in its purest form, perhaps that is where the curious fascination it usually produces comes from. Used to admiring styles that preceded it, such as Romanesque, Gothic is a shock to the senses. I sometimes imagine it as poetry in motion, as a dancer doing impossible balances: grace, ease, daring ... But they are not always easy to 'read' buildings. Miguel de Unamuno, for example, said that for him the Cathedral of León was an open book. I have been to the cathedral of León many times and still consider it a difficult book to digest. As for your preferences ... you aim high, because the civilian that you see standing there is none other than the Emperor Vespasian, in whose times, after the bloody Cantabrian wars, the old settlement that gave rise to the city was built. Nor would it be bad to see you with a laurel wreath between your hair ... Empress Briti. Hugs