Soul Shadows In The Sky

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago

There it was again.
This noise.
Familiar, well known.
The unmistakable sign of reality.

Loud, threatening, imposing and majestic.

A sense of community, deceptive and yet there.
A feeling of connectedness, of pain, fear, despair.
A feeling of courage, bravery and pride.

Protective but without protection.

I look up and I'm there and yet I'm not.

I feel the pain of those who are up there and those who are left behind.

The uncertainty, the wait, the repression of feelings and the fear.

I feel the adrenaline that rushes into the body to survive.

The anger, the hate and the will.

Let's fight for a better world, but do we?

Many go for the first time with the feeling that they are doing the right thing.

Few go for the first time with a sense of what is awaiting them.

Many come back clueless, hopeless.

Few come back with the feeling that it was worth it.

Many break down because of their experiences.

Few talk about what they experienced, what they did, what was done to them.

When you are there you function. You do what you have to do. You don't ask, you survive.

When you stay behind, you function. You do what you have to do. You don't ask, you survive.

You see them go, you see them come back.
You wait.
You hope.

You see them go, you see them come back in a coffin.
You wait.
You cry.

You see them go, you see them come back with half of their bodies.
You wait.
You are desperate.

You see them go, you see them come back broken.
You wait.
You lost them.

You stay behind but your world turns grey.
You stay behind pretending everything is fine.
You stay behind knowing that few understand what you are going through.
You stay behind with guilt.
You stay behind broken.
You stay behind lost.

In the end no one fought for a better world.

In the end everyone fought to survive.

What you see is five Ch-47 Chinooks and two Black Hawks from the United States military.
Flying over my apartment on a regular basis.
What you read is reflections of myself, a former military spouse after several deployments.
Of me losing friends in war and a marriage because of PTSD.
Every military member can suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Active, retired, spouse, soldier.



This was a beautiful and thought provoking poem you wrote. I love it and love the meaning behind it. I also know someone with PTSD (although not as closely as yourself). It is a terrible price to pay for the commitment and service provided. I for one am thankful for their sacrifices and honor it rightfully so. I am sorry that this was a reality for you, although I suppose your a stronger person coming out the other side. Hopefully. 😊 Beautiful work 😁

I appreciate your thoughts on my thoughts. 😌 . It is always triggering me when they fly over. I just wished the veterans would be more appreciated period, too often they end up on the street. And that PTSD would get more attention.
It is non visible more or less and as with every non visible illness it is often underestimated or misunderstood. The ones that suffer from it suffer twice, because people are not aware of what it means.

Your heartfelt poem is perfect for the Shadow Hunters Community. Thank you for helping to show that shadows are not just about photographs, although your photos bring all of us right up close with your words.
@prydefoltz exactly what we were talking about!

Hi Melinda, I really appreciate what you wrote. I was taking the theme of this community literally for a long time, but just after last week I realized that I shouldn't. Shadows and Reflections are more than just the literal meaning.
The topic I was picking up is a personal one. It is not easy to put it in words but trying helps and if I get a response like I have it is even more encouraging.

Have a wonderful weekend 😊

It's hard sometimes to have that utmost sincerity when writing a poem. I felt this one.

I have no shame to admit I would probably be a deserter, I still respect those that go fight, but I will always put my families interest at first, over the nation, over everything.
Weed helps treat PTSD! I am sure you knew that already 😁

Hey, thanks for stoping by here :).

I have to admit that I never anticipated my writing as a poem, it was a try to put in words what was going through my mind. To put in a few words what being in the military means, for everyone involved.

No blame for everyone not joining the military. Lots do it to make a living, at least in the states.

The weed thing...pssstttt it's a secret but I know...even though it always depends on your state of mind if it's helping or not...and what type it is. It can screw you when you are not also dealing with the issues in a different way.

Hey, 14 days to are almost there :)

A bit more than 14 days! So exciting!

...and what type it is.

Totally agree, that's why growing is the best option, so you know what you consume! And everyone reacts to it in a different way.

Totally agree with you on the growing and the reaction. It's a fine line to even talk about it here in Germany, crazy's a plant for gods sake...every bottle of vodka is far more worse than one smoke. Oh well, wrong place to talk about it lol.

Hope you guys are doing fine and the next 14+ days will fly by :)