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RE: Soul Shadows In The Sky

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago

It's hard sometimes to have that utmost sincerity when writing a poem. I felt this one.

I have no shame to admit I would probably be a deserter, I still respect those that go fight, but I will always put my families interest at first, over the nation, over everything.
Weed helps treat PTSD! I am sure you knew that already 😁


Hey, thanks for stoping by here :).

I have to admit that I never anticipated my writing as a poem, it was a try to put in words what was going through my mind. To put in a few words what being in the military means, for everyone involved.

No blame for everyone not joining the military. Lots do it to make a living, at least in the states.

The weed thing...pssstttt it's a secret but I know...even though it always depends on your state of mind if it's helping or not...and what type it is. It can screw you when you are not also dealing with the issues in a different way.

Hey, 14 days to are almost there :)

A bit more than 14 days! So exciting!

...and what type it is.

Totally agree, that's why growing is the best option, so you know what you consume! And everyone reacts to it in a different way.

Totally agree with you on the growing and the reaction. It's a fine line to even talk about it here in Germany, crazy's a plant for gods sake...every bottle of vodka is far more worse than one smoke. Oh well, wrong place to talk about it lol.

Hope you guys are doing fine and the next 14+ days will fly by :)