Simple vegetable main dish suggestions / シンプルな野菜のメイン

in Plant Power (Vegan)last month (edited)

I love all vegetables, but I am especially fond of eggplant, which is in season from this time of year through the fall. While I was making simple eggplant steak for my lunch, I wanted to post this because I thought it would be one of the best and fun way to enjoy veggies in season; cook simply or just slicing and enjoy the pure taste from the season.

Talking about the eggplant steak, I just cut the eggplant into slices, brush oil on it so that it cooked evenly and doesn't absorb too much, and grill it. Seasoning is only a sprinkle of salt in the middle. Or a few drops of soy sauce at the end might be nice too.

Top with green Shiso, a summer herb beloved in Japan to complete the main dish. I'm happy with this, rice, and a little side dish... I wrote that and looked at the picture and saw that I had a pretty big bowl of rice and salad. I must have been hungry 😉

In the hot season, tomatoes and cucumbers, which have a cooling effect on the body, are a treat just cut and salted.

During the cold season, you can grill vegetables and serve them on a plate. The vegetable in the following plate is roasted fennel. Cauliflower if fantastic too. Cut into thick slices and roasted carefully so as not to lose its shape. It will look like a mini 2D tree on a plate. Moreover veggie steak is delicious.

The hot days continue in my area. When you don't have the energy to cook but want to cheer yourself up by eating something delicious, why not try simply cooking seasonal vegetables?

Happy cooking & eating veggies in season!

🍆 🍆 🍆



青紫蘇をトッピングしてメインの一皿完成。私一人のご飯だと、これとご飯、ちょっとしたおかずで満足です・・・と書いて写真を見たら、結構大きな納豆ご飯とサラダをつけてますね 😅 ご愛嬌です。お腹が減っていたのでしょう。





I loved your easy recipe for cooking Eggplant, it looks very appetizing and thanks for your good tips to eat vegetables and take advantage of them in the best way.

Happy to hear so as it's too simple to say "recipe" ;) But sometimes simple with the best especially with vegetables in season 🍅

Delicious! I am getting hungry right now!🤗🫰♥️