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RE: Being my true colorful self 本当のカラフルな自分でいる

Maybe @vincentnijman has some tips, although I feel like he was born with 6 languages installed

Haha! It definitely did not come this easilyy to me
but I had two parents who also spoke a handful of languages, I guess that helped
and I had 6 languages in high school ( if I count two years of Latin and 5 years of Ancient Greek ).

I would lie if I said that I speak 6 languages fluently because I don't but if I had to, I could make myself understood in Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French.


Be honest Vincent, you came on your ship with all languages coded into your DNA and now we're just waiting to see how your aliens agendas unfold

I might have. The thing is they (have tried to ) erase(d) my memories prior to 1981.