Being my true colorful self 本当のカラフルな自分でいる

Depression is the belief that the life you desire is out of your reach. Sometimes it can be the inability to even define the life you want because there are things you don’t feel comfortable or safe exploring.

In my case, I realized that no one around me was living the life I wanted live, and that ideas like mine were not welcome by the masses, that sometimes they were even actively attacked.

I didn’t have the courage to live life in a way that I know would make me vulnerable to persecution, and more importantly I didn’t want to be expelled from my whole support network.

The fact is, my support network never really supported my dreams, but they did support my wellbeing, so long as I complied with them to a certain degree.

That was a very scary thing to put at risk.

Now that I look back at my conviction when I tell people “I have no reason to go back to the US”, I realize it’s because I left in order to try and survive without my support network, namely my parents, and without faling under their influence because they were too far to even know what I was up to.

I tested my boundaries to see if I could live without any gauranteed support and wandered the streets. I worked jobs they wouldn’t approve of and lived at a living standard that would have made them ashamed, but I didn’t feel ashamed by it because it was a path to liberation and living life by my own ideals, rather than ones imposed on me.

I made my own support networks of friends and communities and tried never to rely too deeply on them, only to be a mutual safety net for each other.

Some people will criticize you for caring about what others think, but this fear isn’t a shallow need to fit in, it’s a survival mechanism.

You don’t break through it by forcing rugged individualism or by shaming the behavior, you break through it by getting out of your comfort zone and exploring further and further from your support base.

There are people who might try to stop you from exploring and pretend to have your best interests in mind when really they are just afraid of losing you.

In that situation, I’ve always believed that I should reassure them as much as possible, stay calm and make an effort to connect and if they still try to reatrain or pressure me, they don’t deserve my support. Rather than end these relationships with a bang, I find they usually fizzle out naturally once I start living how I should live.

Rather than a support network that simply wants me to thrive, I am working on building one that wants me to thrive the way I want to thrive, and won’t let their own beliefs about what is possible cause them to want to work against me like my family always did.

This is not to say I have cut my ties with family and old friends. My relationship with my parents and a few old friends with diffwrent ideals is stronger than ever, and it’s stronger because I am no longer afraid to lose them. I’ve had to make a few ultimatums with them

I have made clear that if they try to infect me with their own fears and reaervations I will make more distance with them and even ignore their calls, and it’s not because I don’t care about them. It’s becauee if they want me to be happy they’ll learn when to shut up, and if it’s not about my happiness and self realization, I don’t need or want it, because that is all I want for them.

When I say happiness and self realization, I mean a feeling of living the life you are meant to live, happiness and fulfillment which comes from inside and not from anyone else.

I want bigger things than my parents and most of the people I grew up with, not necessarily in terms of money or fame, but in terms of the quality of my relationships and in terms of what I deem realistic or possible.

I’ve finally reached a point where I am just starting to feel shameless about this, even if people call me too idealistic and even if they try to stop me.

I recently made my first Japanese vlog (English subtitles). Check it out here:
日本に住むの一番慣れないところ The hardest thing to get used to in Japan




















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So relatable. I want to ask you how long it took you to learn Japanese and how did you deal with that during the first years? I'm not having it easy with Portuguese even though it has many similarities with Spanish, but still makes me feel quite isolated despite being surrounded by people. I imagine your transition was way tougher and I wonder what you did to deal with it

I started about 3 years before I came to Japan. When I got to Japan though I hardly felt like I could speak and it took me another 2 years before I was comfortable.

I think how I learned Mandarin was muuuuuch more effective. I felt comfortable after weeks. Basically I chose a grammar pattern and just used it to have playful ridiculous conversation with everyone I met. “I am…”. “I want…” “I have to…”. Every day I’d choose a phrase or two and just practice the hell out of them with a dictionary.

I would always keep a notebook with me with all the sentences I wanted to use with people, including questions I had no reason to ask but thought would be either useful or fun.

Maybe @vincentnijman has some tips, although I feel like he was born with 6 languages installed

Maybe @vincentnijman has some tips, although I feel like he was born with 6 languages installed

Haha! It definitely did not come this easilyy to me
but I had two parents who also spoke a handful of languages, I guess that helped
and I had 6 languages in high school ( if I count two years of Latin and 5 years of Ancient Greek ).

I would lie if I said that I speak 6 languages fluently because I don't but if I had to, I could make myself understood in Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French.

Be honest Vincent, you came on your ship with all languages coded into your DNA and now we're just waiting to see how your aliens agendas unfold

I might have. The thing is they (have tried to ) erase(d) my memories prior to 1981.

Ok, I'll give it a try to picking phrases and practicing the shit out of em, thanks for the advice!

It's also been effective to translate any thoughts I have any situations I experience. Instead of just thinking that I would have liked to say something, I go and look up how it's said

For me, I get to distance myself from a lot of 'caring' relatives to avoid those concerned, deep questions such as, when wre you doing this and that!, you're supposed to have this by now...

I felt this pressure from my parents too. They didn’t say it so directly but they used other tactics, guilt and unwarranted advice. My Chinese friends and Jewish friends and Indian friends all seem to have their own version of it.

I believe that it holds us back more than anything. I should have focused all my energy on being an artist, if I had I would have accomplished all my dreams already. But they convinced me to be scared of my dreams because the risk was higher. Now they regret it and admit that I was right but they think I should cut my losses and give up on the dream. I’ve put my foot down this time and said no way.

Trying not to resent them because they were only trying to protect me the way they thought was best. But it’s my life and I am making that very clear now.

Your comment made me think of this song:

You said it all. They were doing all that with the simple mindset of protection and meaning well for you, but life has its style for different individuals.

Nice song with deep lyrics 👍

Well, let me put it this way. Let’s just assume that you are not with the right people at the right time. It may be funny how you think you’re the only one who thinks or reason this way but there are lots of you like this…

That's what I found. There are actually many people who see things like me all over the world. Some have support and some do not. Some places it's easier to find and some it is not.

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Today we all are in depression because there are so many problems going on in life that we don't understand anything. If we want to get out of depression, we have to do physical activities and like listening to our favorite music. After that he spends some time of peace.