#lifeUnmoderated tagAll postsTrending CommunitiesHIVE CN 中文社区WorldmappinLeoFinanceSplinterlandsVibesActifitOlio di BalenaPhotography LoversLifestyleSpendHBDHive GamingHive LearnersExplore Communities...#lifeTrendingHotNewPayoutsMutedmeesterboom (80)in #life • 2 hours agoA Distrustful HorseMr Boom? An odd looking nurse had popped her head around a door and was looking around the waiting room like a bewildered owl. Here. I raised a hand and tried not to cry…oflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 1 hour ago病毒还是误报?这是大概半个月前发生的事情。某天我正在网上愉快地冲浪,突然Windows Security弹出消息,在我电脑中发现病毒!😱 (图源 : pixabay ) 擦,病毒,怎么感觉是上个世纪的陌生词汇呢?有多久没有在电脑上看到病毒了呢?虽然Windows…flemingfarm (79)in Homesteading • 21 hours agoOrder Snafu, Assembly #2, MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!, Sudden Depression, Tint Removal Ordeal, 3DP, Disassembly #3, Krumble - TuesdaySuper annoyed first thing yesterday morning when I saw the email from Columbia that my order was cancelled due to their system not accepting my payment. So after getting the boys…oflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • yesterday厦门旅游分享:洛阳桥你知道嘛,在泉州市境内有一座宋代古桥——洛阳桥,是现存最早的跨海梁式石桥,素有“海内第一桥”美称。今天O哥就带大家一探洛阳桥的美景。 话说去泉州之前,O哥根本不知道洛阳桥这处景点,不过不少小伙伴以及网约车司机提到泉州好玩的地方,都强烈推荐洛阳桥,那我们当然就不能错过啦。…tarazkp (85)in Finance and Economy • yesterdayNo Free LunchAt least, not for me. For my contact though, he is going to get a free lunch on me today, with no obligation for anything at all. However, I am going to try to convince…creativemary (75)in Proof of Brain • 21 hours agoShould you leave your country?I don’t know about you but I have always had a love-hate relationship with my place of origin. Growing up in an Eastern European country is no picnic. For those who had the…jcrodriguez (76)in Lifestyle • 15 hours agoCelebrating Super Art & Baile's AnniversarySuper Art & Baile celebrated its anniversary on the weekend. El fin de semana se celebro el aniversario de Super Art & Baile On Sunday the Súper Arte y Danza…akipponn (75)in Silver Bloggers • yesterdayFeeling Clear by Setting My Life's Navigation Goal / 人生のカーナビを設定してスッキリLast month, I started taking a group coaching session once a month, which will continue for six months. Until now, I’ve had a vague idea of what kind of life would make me…priyanarc (80)in Ladies of Hive • 20 hours agoSpring Days, Birthday Week and Realization - My Life UpdateEven though I don't feel like writing on Hive anymore, I have been doing better. So, today, instead of writing a sad post, I am going to write about what I have been doing lately…annepink (78)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 hours ago偶遇素不相识的老庚一家…连着两天带我美妈上医院,过的相当的充实又感概!这次是我带美妈去医院做MRI检查!一大早,还没到八点我就去家里接她了… 从爸妈家到中医院不远,我骑电动车,也就十分钟左右的事儿… 美妈跟医院预约的时间写的是8点35之前到,还写了提示最好提前二十分钟到… 我算着时间,到医院的时候还有十八分钟,刚刚好! 因为美妈昨天就来过这个二号科技楼预约,所以找起来还挺顺利的,很快就到了预约的二号机房…rivalhw (80)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 7 hours ago我还是格局低了我这段时间迷上吃酸菜。嗯,自己腌制的酸菜,就是买回来芥菜,洗干净,焯水后放入罐子里,滴上些白醋,发酵一阵子就可以吃了,用来炒菜搭配,很是开胃口,味道也是很美的。 我一般腌制酸菜的时间,大约是一星期,以前别人做酸菜,里边会放盐。我做酸菜,从来不放盐,因此,我一直误认为这样做就是健康的,至少不会产生亚硝酸盐这类有害物质。…silviabeneforti (78)in Photography Lovers • 18 hours agoAnother river, the same kind of birds and ducks. 🐦Happy Wednesday to you all! Today I can't share a new artwork with you because me and my hubby spent the most part of the day with the uncle of my hubby Giuliano and his wife…tarazkp (85)in Rant, Complain, Talk • 12 hours agoFist, Flag, FireNever underestimate human incompetence. When I was in retail sales for business machines (computers, scanners, cameras etc) a million years ago, one of the things I would…mrspointm (79)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 hours ago「生活」牛马般的日子自从开学以来,我貌似就怎么睡过午觉了,每天在学校有忙不完的事情,备忘录的待办事项一件又一件的接踵而至,压得我喘不过气来,情绪也相当低落,真的不知道这到底是为了什么,仅仅是因为那点微薄的收入吗? 每当我因为繁忙的工作而忽略小孩时,心里上就会无比自责,自己的大部分精力都用在的别人孩子身上,哎,很难两全的。…josehany (78)in GEMS • 7 hours agoAmigos que te ayudanToday I finally decided to seek some help. First, I started by looking for information about going to the psychologist in person, since I need to fully identify what's happening…hierundjetzt (67)in Photography Lovers • 23 hours agoMadrasa Ben Youssef (Historical school in Marrakech)Hello to all my friends in the Hive community, Today I'd like to take you with me to a really special place... A place full of beauty and spirituality: The Madrassa Ben…annepink (78)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 days ago终究还是来中医院了…话说前一篇说到我们去了一家私人中医诊所嘛!那个诊所呢,也是听别人说得神乎其神,说里面的医生医术特别厉害嘛!但,我和美妈心里其实都有点犯嘀咕…… 毕竟是私人诊所,跟公立大医院比起来,总觉得差点安全感…… 而且我美妈这是头一回来看,心里自然会不踏实的!再加上私人诊所不能走医保,可我美妈这情况,很有可能是帕金森,这病在公立医院是能医保报销的呀!所以思来想去,美妈还是让我带她来省中医院了……sanjeevm (76)in HiveGarden • 3 hours agoThis will be no longer a GardenThey want to make this a play area and my Garden moved again to an abandoned place At times, I feel pity on my plants and my gardening hobby, should I continue or give up…lorene08 (60)in Photography Lovers • 6 hours agoMy Love For Photography Life is filled with lovely moments, and I enjoy capturing them with my camera. From the moon, to nature, to daily life, every picture speaks a thousand words. This blog is where…davidke20 (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 11 hours ago看图作文之20250326简单直接,拉叔今天是来写生活报告的。前几个星期公司的事已经把我消耗得妥妥了。要我写故事、写论文、根本写不出。每天生活就是行尸走肉,日夜想着解决生意上的难题。 母老虎的生理状态每况越下,上次照到有个肿瘤在子宫。我们打算继续观察和不切除的温和调理方式去对待。工作又离不开岗位,只好把她送去地铁站,她自己去医院了,我则留下喝咖啡。…