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RE: After Six Years, I am Now a Single Woman and Living Off Grid

in Abundance Tribe2 years ago


I could say something glib like, "trade that blockhead for a block-and-tackle to handle heavy lifting," but that doesn't really do any justice to your situation. Or, I could self-righteously proclaim, "it takes two to fight," but we all know that's horse shit, even though I don't know your particular situation.

You built this one step at a time. You can regroup and rebuild one step at a time, too. I have no idea what hurdles you face in the weeks ahead. Just focus one jump at a time.


Yes, the blockhead has been traded in! It's opening a new perspective for me, what my strengths and weaknesses are, what knowledge I have.

I do like the block and tackle idea, I will probably need to invest in that system at some point!

Thanks for your words of encouragement. I will get through this, and not by running back to mom's house.

Don't forget family as an essential survival support structure, though.

Good point. My mom and daughter have been helping me out, although they are several hundred miles away.