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RE: Such nice contact lenses

in Lifestyle4 months ago

I had eye surgery a long time ago and since then, my eyes have gotten bad enough to where I need corrective lenses again. I've tried using contacts, but they dry my eyes out so bad now and it feels like I am peeling a layer of my eyeball off when I take the lenses out. I would love to find some disposable contacts that work for me because I would much rather wear contacts instead of glasses.


Having to need contacts or glasses suck. Did the doctors give you any other brand recommendations? I read AirOptix are also pretty comfy and I believe is widely available in the US. I guess 1 day contacts will be best for you but honestly with dry eyes I don’t know if it’s just the contacts that matters or you’ll need something else. Eye drops every hour sounds annoying though.

I think it may have a lot to do with the scarring on my eyes from the eye surgery. The contacts feel like a scab on my eye when I try and take them out. It doesn’t feel too great. Kind of like pulling a layer of skin off my eyeball.