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RE: My First Caturday on the Hive Blockchain! 🐈 2020-03-21

in Caturday4 years ago

I like your new tag. I'll use it in future posts that have cat related content.

@fraenk made an announcement in the Caturday Discord that he was planning to migrate the project over to Hive. Apart from @cuddlekitten, the kittens are probably going to be renamed since they have steem in their name.

It's going to depend on when Steem Engine ports their services over to Hive. There are a few games that are dependant on Steem Engine as well, and they have to wait to make the switch, too.

I've been lurking in the Steem Engine Discord, and there's talk of having a clone of Steem Engine that would work on Hive. We'll just have to wait and see, I guess.