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RE: My craft beer bottle collection part 5 - The Blues

in BEER3 years ago

There was a time here in the Philippines when there was only one kind of beer brand - the San Miguel beer. I had not known any brand then but I drank a lot of beer especially during night outs with the boys. So you can imagine my confusion when during my first trip to the US of A, I ordered beer in a pizza joint and the waiter just suddenly blurted out 8 brands, none of which I wasn't familiar with, and asked me what I preferred. I said San Miguel Beer and he looked as confused as I was lol. Luckily my boss who was American and who I was travelling with saved the day by ordering Strohs. Whew! This was in the early 80's and probably not yet been born then.



Got an another bit of beer trivia for you. San Miguel was very famous and popular when I was living in HK years ago before they had so many imported and local craft beer. San sounds like life in Cantonese, and Mig sounds like strength beginning with an L. And that's the Cantonese branding San Lig beer in Hong Kong.

Ohh now that one is new to me. You sure do know your beer. Can't wait to share this with the gang when we get together again, whenever that may be. Thanks for the bit of info.