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RE: Piano, holidays and Sakamoto- what a mixture!!!

Do you get lost in your music, letting yourself just go? That is how I feel when I listen, just sitting back and relaxing, letting the music take me over.

It flowed melodiously, the soothing sounds of the melodies.

I have eaten myself into a coma practically. The entire holidays, since Thanksgiving (the end of November), have been centered around food! I am horrified but, not really. Next year. It will all work out, I am not too worried. :) I am so glad you got some well-deserved time off, seems like mine gets frittered away, and I have to wonder where it all goes.

I read where you onboarded your friend (that moved close to you! Yay!) All I can say is give him a chance to try it out and guide him from there. He will do much better to get that intro post done and let him fledge, while you watch him. I didn't even know I had a wallet (or what it was) when I joined 5 1/2 years ago. Nobody did crypto, so it was all new to me. Now, crypto is almost mainstream, and so much has changed. Thankfully! They have all sorts of places to go to find help. There was no help back then, LOL Only if someone took pity on you. Not quite as dismal as I sound, but, I have a feeling your friend is going to do fine. After all, you are a great teacher, remember that.

I wish you a Happy New Year in case I don't see you tomorrow!

2023 is going to rock!


Playing the piano is many times like having a conversation with a person. I especially feel it when learning a new piece, it is like meeting someone for the first time and discovering some great things. When I am playing I indeed disconnect from other things, actually I don't know what is happening when a musician is playing music 😂 Hard to explain with words.

About my friend, if only we could have more time. They came here just for vacations, and it was pretty by accident they got the accommodation so close to us (well, nothing happens without a reason). In this short time, I explained as much as I could but yeah, it is too much all at once. He will have to find his way and I will encourage his steps and guide him (but through distance already) if he decides to let himself more into this adventure :))

Thanks and Happy New Year to you too, actually it came to my place already 53 minutes ago :D 🥂🥂🥂🥂💙

No, I understand completely, it is a world of its own. It is a relationship that need not be explained.

I watched the New Year's Eve around the world program last night, it was awesome to see the different cities celebrate!

Happy New Year!