Who’s will Follow Yearn Finance? (Bilingual)

in INDONESIA5 years ago

In a matter of days, Yearn Finance or YFI cryptocurrency assets soared by 330 percent to over IDR 210 million, leaving Bitcoin which was previously popular. Many people are interested in collecting YFI after realizing that it costs almost double Bitcoin.

But, it's too late to collect YFI in your exchanger account. You should buy crypto assets when the price is down and sell them when they are going up.
Until the first week of August 2020, YFI's price was still around Rp. 51 million per chip. However, he suddenly rose and beat Bitcoin. A similar increase has also been experienced by other cryptocurrencies that have shown their best performance so that people are chasing them.
Many experts in cryptocurrency argue that YFI's rise is because it is part of the DeFi system. Who is DeFi? This is not a girl's name. DeFi stands for decentralized finance. If you are diligent in reading some of the first articles on the next platform, you will have heard of DeFi technology which is seen as a future monetary system using blockchain technology.

There are a number of cryptocurrencies that are incorporated into the DeFi system. In this case it can be called Ethetreum and Compound, whose prices are now also continuing to rise. Will Ethereum also follow in YFI's footsteps, increasing by hundreds of percent?

That's still speculation. There are still doubts about DeFi's strength.

If this system fails, many experts say it could open up opportunities for Ethereum's downfall and of course have an impact on public confidence in the DeFi system and cryptocurrency.

The chance of failure, of course, has been carefully calculated and is part of the risk. No business is without risk, no matter how small it is.
But so far, DeFi is still trusted and YFI has soared to more than Rp309.322.032 per chip as of August 29, 2020. Imagine if at the beginning of August YFI was in your digital asset listing.[]




Crypyocurrency Mana yang akan Menyusul Yearn Finance?

Dalam hitungan hari, aset cryptocurrency Yearn Finance atau YFI melambung sampai 330 persen menjadi di atas Rp210 juta, jauh meninggalkan Bitcoin yang lebih dulu populer. Banyak orang tertarik mengoleksi YFI setelah menyadari harganya hampir dua kali lipat Bitcoin.

Tapi, sudah terlambat untuk mengoleksi YFI dalam akun exchanger Anda. Harusnya, membeli aset kripto ketika harganya sedang turun dan menjualnya ketika sedang naik.
Sampai pekan pertama Agustus 2020 lalu, harga YFI masih berkisar Rp51 juta per keping. Namun, ia mendadak naik dan mengalahkan Bitcoin. Kenaikan serupa juga pernah dialami cryptocurrency lainnya yang menunjukkan kinerja terbaik sehingga diburu orang.
Para ahli dalam cryptocurrency banyak yang berpendapat kenaikan YFI karena ia tergabung dalam sistem DeFi. Siapa DeFi? Ini bukan nama cewek. DeFi adalah singkatan dari decentralized finance. Kalau Anda rajin membaca sejumlah artikel dulu dalam platform sebelah, Anda pasti pernah mendengar teknologi DeFi yang dipandang sebagai sistem moneter masa depan dengan menggunakan teknologi blockchain.

Ada sejumlah cryptocurrency yang tergabung dalam sistem DeFi. Dalam hal ini bisa disebut Ethetreum dan Compound yang kini harganya juga terus melambung. Akankah Ethereum juga akan mengikuti jejak YFI mengalami kenaikan sampai ratusan persen?

Itu masih spekulasi. Kekuatan DeFi pun masih ada yang meragukan. Kalau sistem ini gagal, banyak ahli menyebutkan bisa membuka peluang kejatuhan Ethereum dan tentu saja berdampak pada kepercayaan publik terhadap sistem DeFi dan cryptocurrency.

Peluang gagal, tentunya sudah diperhitungkan secara matang dan sudah menjadi bagian dari risiko. Tidak ada bisnis yang tanpa risiko, sekecil apa pun pasti ada.
Tapi sejauh ini, DeFi masih dipercaya dan YFI kian melambung sampai Rp309.322.032 lebih per keping per 29 Agustus 2020. Bayangkan kalau awal Agustus lalu YFI berada dalam listing aset digital Anda.[]
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semoga hive bisa nyusul YFI

Beraaaaaat Cek Gu @azwarrangkuti. Tapi siapa tahu? Hehehehehe.....