So today's #ttt topic is a month long celebration.. It's April.. host to the holiest of the holy as far as holidays go... yup 420.. this month every Tuesday until the 20th I'll have 3 songs to smoke with.. I'm starting with the classics and we'll get a little bit more and more obscure.. Song number 1.. truly a legend...
Song number two also a legend but a completely different style and rhythm..
Number three.. NOT A LEGEND. But one of my favorites just because of his name....
There ya go.. three songs to get this Holiday month started off right..
I've been waiting a while to use this but all three of today's jams earned it...
420 is a loud celebration
A lot of us can’t wait
Lovely songs!
Okay... 😏😀
I thought TTT was
Nice! Can’t go wrong with sublime! And man I actually saw Afro Man at Irving plaza for .92 cents. Was a 92.3 K Rock radio 📻 promotion when alternative rock radio was playing that cause I got high song! Gotta check out Lil Dicky though, never heard of em 💨
The Afro man concert caused today's earthquake..
It’s wild. Only a 4.8 I know but shit was shaking wild here. Never felt that up here in this area
Welcome to the club. I think there's a Earthquake Badge available for all Boy Scouts..