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RE: Moments for a pause

in The MINIMALIST11 months ago

I'm happy that my inner peace and tranquillity transcended you.
You don't have to do all those impressive poses that you see flying around social media. A lot of people aspire to do those poses on their heads for the wow factor, yet their actual life is the only thing that's upside down.
Find a few that are specific to your ailments, and do those stretches. Hip exercises are excellent.👍


yet their actual life is the only thing that's upside down.

Thanks for this <3 Made me laugh!

Yeah, I already saved a few videos for hip stretches because my hip is constantly making these sounds even when I just step forward. I know I come from a line of bad hip ladies (my mother and gran had new hips at some age and I know mine is not really located well either lol)

Time To see what I can do about it. Thanks for the reminder!

Yeah, one of my knees has been making some scary sounds too. I'm back on Vit D and I probably need to up my calcium intake and do some exercises to strengthen them.
We take our bodies for granted but I would hate to lose my mobility 🤗