Life cycles

in The MINIMALIST3 months ago

I don't know when the last time I turned on my TV was, I've lost count. Should I sell it or trade it in for some more useful equipment?

(... wait. I'll see if it still works)


It's working!

I'm here to reflect. Let's see... if the TV has been sitting there for possibly over a month and I only occasionally go and remove the layer of dust that comes to adorn it day after day, do I really need this TV?

It seems like my life would be the same without it. This TV obviously doesn't make any difference or colour my life. However, I have to admit that when I turned it on a moment ago, a smile came to my face. I was happy to know that it still works, and I also wondered if I would ever need it once I got rid of it. We human beings are so contradictory!

I specifically remember the saying: just get rid of something you didn't use, and you immediately feel the need to use it. It is an idea that came from someone close to me or a neighbour. I don't know for sure who said it, but I do feel it is a familiar phrase. Could it be that this is already a program I have in my subconscious? Yesterday, I started looking in the wardrobe for a monopod that I had won as a prize in a photography contest, and I remembered that I had given it away. I thought about it because maybe it would be useful now for a project I have in mind. I didn't make that much of a fuss either. A solution will be found for that.

Ah, the television. I only have one. Some people have several. In the living room, in the bedrooms... I have a TV full of dust because I don't use it, others have collections of them and some don't have a single one and yearn for it, or the one they have is old or looks bad and would like one of those flat screens... Oh, my God, why are we so complex?

In the other room is my TV talking to alone. I heard children laughing, then children's music and now I think they're broadcasting a news programme.

(paying attention)

They say something about a colonial house and creators.

I'm leaving a few ideas here and there because I've been thinking for days about the things we tend to accumulate and don't need. There are others that we do, however, and if they were missing, I feel they would create a lot of anxiety. I'm talking about the things on which my livelihood depends or the tools that help in the expression of my creativity.


I know that people are not things, but I do have to say that there are important people in my life whose absence makes me very anxious too. I spend (not very happy) days in silence, with many doubts, thinking about processes of acceptance, about my mistakes, about what I should have done, about what I didn't do, about the time that passed us by.

It's true that I blame me a lot, but I end up forgiving myself... When that happens, sometimes I take refuge in things, and those things lead me to other people and so...

I started with the television and now I'm getting into the subject of life and its cycles that always, always lead to learning.

In short, those things that help us to escape, accept or reconnect are necessary and everyone knows, I suppose, how many they need, if they can carry them, in a pocket, perhaps, or if they need more storage space. What do you think?

*The TV stays for the moment... it can serve as an auxiliary screen on my desk.

Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


Wow... Certainly, TVs are being used less and less... But using it as an auxiliary screen for your desktop is a valid thing to do, I still have one in storage for that purpose... But it's been like that for 5 years! .... hahaha :)).... My case is serious, I have a warehouse full of ‘three generations of things I don't use’... (stored by my father, by me and by my son before leaving our house)... And that's how we tend to be in our lives, sometimes certainly, we tend to carry things we don't use anymore... Well, with the passing of time, we almost always learn to ‘let go’... Nice post, I read it during my post-lunch break! ;) Thanks for sharing @nanixxx friend!...

!disvovery 33

Hello, dear friend, I am very glad you visited and also that you found something of value here. It is very difficult to let go of things that bind us emotionally.
For me the important thing is to come to the conviction that life should be lived simply and to make room for the light to enter.

Un gran abrazo.

 3 months ago  

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I have my TV as a decoration myself, the day I turn it on is Thursday, family day, to watch a series or a movie. No news or anything hahaha, I don't really watch TV and when I got here I was more than 8 months without TV, almost a year! But if there are things that watching them remind me of beautiful things, like my paintings. They don't fit in my pocket but if I move I'll take them with me!

Of course, you can't leave behind your paintings, from which so many sensations emanate, after so many others inspired them.


and neither are my oils hahaha I just finished painting... you'll see haha

 3 months ago (edited) 

Fire Dragon Minimalist Banner 3.jpg

We human beings are so contradictory!

So true!

I started with the television and now I'm getting into the subject of life and its cycles that always, always lead to learning.

This is what I loved most about your post. Our possessions intertwine with our habits and beliefs, and when we take the time to do an inventory to see what really serves us, we also start to look into other aspects of our lives.

Thanks for sharing these moving thoughts with us:)))

PS. That beach photo is gorgeous 😍

Do you love some of the details of my posts? I would never have imagined it 🙂😅.
It is not possessions that define us, but in a way they do. Minimalism is not about poverty, not about lacking necessary things, but about assessing and understanding that the lighter we walk, the further we go.

In relation to the people we surround ourselves with, it is better to keep a few who help you to grow as you are willing to help them too, than a lot of people who only come to spread darkness and absorb energy.

But the beauty of it all is that to get to that state of affairs you have to consciously and consistently work on yourself.

All my gratitude, @millycf1976, and my joy to have been able to participate in your community today with some thoughts.

 3 months ago  

Wow. I love how you went from something seemingly trivial like dust on the TV (and trust me, they gather dust even if used, the damn buggers) to nostalgia and paths not taken. I find myself agreeing with so much you wrote here. Can very much relate with the sensation of needing something urgently the moment you toss it. Murphy's law? Maybe, but chances are, tossing it is still the way to go. Say you tossed your TV then needed to watch something the next day. Given the precedent, you already know it's a one-off. It's not like your life would suddenly turn into a binge-watcher. Or would it? :)

On the topic of silence, I find myself contemplating that a lot. For me, it always comes down to it's important to protect boundaries and respect yourself, but also life is short. If there are things unsaid, don't waste time playing games or not saying them for whatever reason. Not unless, if the person (God forbid) died tomorrow, you'd feel alright with not having said those things. We always expect there'll be time. But there isn't.

Sorry to digress. Excellent post!

Hahaha... Murphy's law is the most negative thing there is. It says something like... if something can go wrong, it will go wrong. I've never understood it well, because everything can go right or wrong and one or the other result depends on many factors. Let's put among them, one that I consider super important: oneself.
Hahaha... no, I don't watch series. I've seen few... Game of Thrones, The House of Paper, Breaking Bad, The L Word, Orange is the New Black and the Spanish one that resembles it... oh, 🙂 and this one about zombies.

My favourite thing to watch is movies and documentaries. The films have to be highly recommended and I have a system for not wasting time with them. If after 15 or 20 minutes something doesn't happen that hooks me, I turn the thing off.

(😄 I've drifted off topic hahaha)

Silences are necessary and I don't like mind games. I think that's why I often run into walls. 🤷‍♀ I don't know how to be complex, I just do what my heart tells me. I think we have little time and we have to live it to the fullest.

Thank you so much for reading, commenting and supporting me. It's a pleasure to post here and receive this feedback.


I think it is not so difficult to live without television, but it is hard for me to let go of many things, even though I don't need them. Anyway, it's my particular battle...

A big hug @nanixxx

We all have our own battles... Will we win them? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe it's not about the outcome but just about learning in the process.

¡El abrazo de vuelta!

Well, for me the TV is a must at home. It keeps me informed and now that the Olympics are starting how I would watch them. It's my companion when I'm alone... nice Tuesday.❤️

It just goes to show that everyone is different. En español se diría: cada cual es un mundo. 🐜😘

The moment you throw something away is the moment before you realise
Damn where is the.......

😅 Yep

We all become hoarders lol

I also have a TV that I don't use and I've been thinking about selling it, but it happens to me just like you, I hesitate and then I don't do it hahaha. As for what you say about people, it's typical of human beings to punish themselves for what they didn't do and for what they could have been at the same time. I hope you keep forgiving yourself, it's not your fault. A hug @nanixxx 🤗💙.

(I'm in a big gathering of things I don't use and already this process takes days)
Thank you very much Vezo. Greetings from Havana with a little ray of light.

I too have one TV I almost never use. It's an old CRT (the boxy kind) with a VCR attached to it, I don't know the screen size for sure but probably 12". It lives in the closet and my logic is, I kept my Wii (I sold an old Super Nintendo and a PS1 years ago), and a couple of shelves worth of VHS tapes, so I can use those if I ever want to. But in truth, it's been years, not months. 😅
I even bought a new-to-me used Wii game off eBay a couple of years ago because it looked fun but I haven't played it yet. I should do that. 😂

The first thing you have to see is if it works hahaha.... It can get damaged because it has not been used for so long. The equipment picks up moisture. And if you are a collector, don't get rid of it. Who knows if it will be worth a lot of money in a few years time.



It works, I tested it several months ago. I live in the high desert, so not a lot of moisture. :)

Oh, I’ve never met anyone who lived in a desert. There’s always a first time. 😇

We're just on the northern border of the proper desert-desert, and since we live at high altitude, we're considered high desert. Our climate is supposedly most like Afghanistan.

It's true, if you have something you don't need, get rid of it and you will start to need it, I regret having sold a TV that was in my bedroom haha but well, this Buhito tells you to think about it, I wouldn't sell it 🦉

I've already decided that it will stay as an auxiliary screen on my desk. Thanks Buhito. 😇😅


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@jlinaresp(4/15) tipped @nanixxx

I think most things that can be viewed on a tv can also be viewed via laptop.

I have not owned a tv since dvd players were put into computers (only to be taken out again a few years later). I vote sell it and buy bike stuff or camera stuff or endless supplies of chocolate.

Nice leg!

See what my mum says? I'll have to leave it here on my desk as an auxiliary screen, maybe I can use it to see the BTC charts bigger. And well, it will eventually return to its original function for mamani when she comes to visit me. 😁

Yes, better legs every day... hahaha. This is my best looking side for sure.

This is my best looking side for sure.

The bottom side?? 😆

😂 yes the bottom side, between the sock and the knee. There must be something here in the translation, but I don't know much English.

LOL I meant best side as in top and bottom vs left or right. That makes me wonder if there isn't some good joke in there about the expression "my better half" that people use to refer to their significant others.

My better is probably my left side, it's a real workhorse.

Hope I'm not making this even more confusing.

Hey @nanixxx, here is a little bit of BEER from @phoenixwren for you. Enjoy it!

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