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RE: The don't make 'em cuter'n this

I've tried uploading on threespeak but most of the time the videos get stuck and never finish uploading, so I gave up and went back to youtube links. Thanks for the follow! No worries about not watching often, I think life is better with less screens and more reality, anyway.

You are my official real world HERO!!!!

blush blush... I'm just a person trying to make the best of life.


blush blush... I'm just a person trying to make the best of life.

Fair enough...but you're doing pretty damned awesome if you ask me!

@sagarkothari88 has been doing a lot of work to revamp the 3S interface, if you were ever interested in trying it again, you might have better luck - but no pressure, I know I tend to stick with whatever's been working for me :)