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RE: Photography contest: Animals (25 photos)

Thank you for stopping by and taking your time to write a constructive comment :)
I admit I am lucky to encounter all these animals. It is an amazing experience...
You described perfectly what wildlife photography is to me. Hunting animals with camera. You have to be prepared, always...
Still you can not do any harm, just click click click and something good will come out :)
Interesting choice for your favourite photography. All eyes see it differently.


I love to roam the wild. But mostly I am collecting. Mushrooms, berries, any unusual roots and branches. I rarely get to see wild animals. Perhaps birds or amphibians. There are animals in our forests, but they are very careful and hide. And sometimes you don't have a camera with you.
The toad is very photogenic. Maybe not everyone is pleased to take it in hand. But for photography it is not necessary :D

Я люблю бродить по дикой природе. Но в основном я занимаюсь собирательством. Грибы, ягоды, какие-нибудь необычные корни и ветки. Мне редко удаётся увидеть диких животных. Разве что птицы или земноводные. В наших лесах звери есть, но они очень осторожны и прячутся. А иногда с собой нет камеры.
Жаба очень фотогенична. Может быть её не всем приятно брать в руки. Но для фотографии это не обязательно :)

In local wood here in Slovenia it is also hard to spot some animals, so I don't have any decent photo from here. I am also not dedicating much time to it.
But Africa for example is diffrent story. At least for me, safari was top attraction there :)

I agree that for a European, Africa is primarily a safari. Animals are a little accustomed to human attention and they feel protected. Some may even pose. But we must not forget that these are still wild animals and there may be surprises. Take care of yourself:)

Согласен, для европейца Африка - это прежде всего сафари. Животные немного привыкли к вниманию человека и они чувствуют себя защищённо. Некоторые могут даже позировать. Но нельзя забывать, что это всё же дикие животные и могут быть сюрпризы. Береги себя :)