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RE: Updates, upgrades, and moving on!

in Photography Lovers5 months ago

Ha ha ha ha! Those buggers have been feasting on my carcass almost every day when I am in the garden. No amount of spraying keeps them away longer than ten minutes. It is worth the pain anyway. I suffer for beauty xD


There are plants that help keep some bugs away, naturally. I think you need to be standing in a entire field of those plants for that to work though.

Get a couple purple martin houses going. It's also mostly a myth they eat a lot of mosquitos, but they're still fun to watch. They'll swoop at you, making you think you're in danger of being attacked by birds, but really they're just eating the cloud of bugs around you. That's how it works. The human disturbs the bugs and the birds come and eat them. And bird shit is good fertilizer as well. Isn't nature wonderful.