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RE: My wife is doing great

Public awareness of these kind of illnesses can be frustrating as on the surface the afflicted person may look and seem fine and in perfect health.

I used to get mightily annoyed when people who should know better (doctors) offer stupid suggestions like. "Have you tried exercising?" etc. Maybe they are just ignorant of the condition?

My wife also has a very misunderstood condition called fibromyalgia which means pain throughout the body and is actually made worse by exercising!

I do wonder sometimes where these doctors have been taught?


That sounds miserable. I hope that she can find relief and have a better quality of life.

As I'm sure you'll agree. It is what it is and we have adapted to the situation. Life goes on and we have to make the most of it.
Give my regards to your wife and hope she finds some relief too. 👍🏼