Getting Medieval

in Photography Lovers2 months ago

After almost twenty one years, I finally made it to Häme Castle to visit. It is less than an hour away from home, but I have always put it off for some reason or another. Today, there was no excuse, so after a great lunch at a grill restaurant close by, we went to visit the castle, which was surprisingly expensive.

58€ for two adults and a child.

This got us access to the castle, the prison and a military weapon exhibit, which we didn't have time to do today. However, the unused checkmark on the ticket is valid to fill for a full year, so we might have a chance to head back.

P7101059 (1).jpg

I didn't know there was a prison once held here, let alone that it was in operation until 1993. Apparently, it first started getting used as a prison in the 1800s when the castle itself was a prison, but this was later relocated to another building close by.



I don't think life was overly good as a prisoner back in the Russian days at least, with restraint boxes and strict rules to follow. However, under Finnish rule things are quite a bit different these days, with jail for many being more like a 9-5 job, including holidays for inmates, often that allow them to travel outside of the country.






Smallsteps didn't mind being in solitary confinement, where apparently one of the main reasons for being sent for a few days, was coming back late or drunk from leave. Yes "leave" from jail.




And the reasons for jail were varied, but just think that this next one is still being debated in many countries, and some don't just jail, they kill those convicted. Drug dealers and murderers get a slap on the wrist, but two consenting adults fucking - they can be put to death.






And of course, there was some prisoner ingenuity put on display, with lots of prison weapons and this tattoo pen made out of whatever they could find.


Want some ink done?



Häme Castle

While we did the tour in English, I felt like I didn't learn anything really interesting about the castle itself. It started getting built in the 1300s, but it isn't like the other medieval castles in central Europe where there were kings and queens living. This was more a barracks for the Swedes and was overseen by rich families, not royalty. It also isn't full of all the accoutrements of fancier castles, which kind of fits the Finnish Lutheran style.


At least there was one princess on call:






@galenkp, you didn't miss much with this one - other than the cost.

It was nice to do the tour, even though it wasn't as interesting as it could have been. However, another couple on the tour had two boys that were constantly running around, screaming, shouting and generally being little shits - and their parents said nothing to them. I am glad that Smallsteps isn't like that - she is awesome to travel with. She makes every day better.

Ever been to jail?

[ Gen1: Hive ]


Smallsteps was sending me messages from there demonstrating how to properly say Hämeenlinna...I don't think I ever got it right but I gave it a go.

I reckon I'd like to go there, have a look around, maybe next time I'm up that way. I'm not sure if pose for a behind the bars photos though, some bastard might lock the door.

She said she is slowly trying to teach you Finnish :D

You might find it interesting, if not doing the tour. There is an app also to listen to things and I think that would be better, with more time.

She's a good teacher, I'm not a very good student.

That is pretty crazy how they can make a tattoo gun out of pretty much anything. I think the old style where they tap would be kind of cool. Definitely different from the prisons we have over here. 1993 seems like it wasn't that long ago,but I guess it was 29 years now....

I should find some kind of documentary on the Finnish prison system - it is very different to the US and means that the prisoners generally integrate into society.

It sounds like a lot of things are better in Finland based on all of the stuff I have read from you.

Wow exposed wiring on the tattoo pen. Very clever but possibly shocking for the operator.

Probably the least of their problems!

Ever been to jail?

Years ago, I stayed in an old jail that had been converted into a bed and breakfast.

And once went along with a friend who was delivering legal papers to the warden of maximum security prison. Even the administration area not accessible to prisoners was intimidating.

We stayed in one turned into a small hotel a couple years ago also.

The US prison system is insane.

You had a nice model posing for you in several shots. I imagine how dismal it would be when it truly functioned as a prison.

I ask you: do you feel any strange vibe having been there?

Not really a strange vibe. I think it would have been worse in some countries, but to be honest, prison isn't half as bad here as it is in other places. From what I hear!

I wonder how much confinement can affect a person being confined in a small cell for several years must bring a lot of mental problems, but if they are where they are it is because that is what the law determined even though sometimes it is not so fair or perfect. very beautiful Smallsteps no matter where she takes her pictures she always gives her a special glow God bless her family.

The system here in Finland is meant to be pretty good, because most people get the time to spend with family away from the prison too, which means they don't disconnect for years. It should probably be used in other countries.

Sounds strange they let inmates travel outside jail but then again I don't know much hehehe. Smallsteps definitely steals the show though, 🥰 Happy travels big brother

Seems to work for the most part here - though once they get too violent, then they can't do it anymore I guess.

yes it could end up a chaotic mess !LOLZ

Guess who's going to jail for behaving like an idiot!
Effectively the rude ones of those kids and their parents.
Your daughter will be the elite guard of those screaming kids 😁.

I haven't been in a jail yet.
I hope I don't end up in one ....
They are not as nice as that one you went to visit.
You don't call it hell on earth for nothing that's what the innocent people who unjustly blame them for something they didn't do think.
I'm not looking at you feminazi who blames all the male abusers on duty.

It would be good if some of those parents spent some time in prison for sure.

I would think it would be more interesting, but you make it sound like a real bore. Although it does seem Smallsteps enjoyed it somewhat.

generally being little shits - and their parents said nothing to them.

I see this a lot when I do go out. Probably add this to a list of why I don't get out much.

It would have been more interesting if we didn't do the tour. There is an app that we should have used instead :)

I see this a lot when I do go out. Probably add this to a list of why I don't get out much.

Parenting these days consists of handing a screen and blaming teachers for not controlling the kids.

Seems to be an app for everything anymore.

Seems over here that public school is more of a daycare than anything.

The only time inmates get out from jail is when they are about to transfer them
Inmates don’t travel here in Nigeria and they are always made to suffer throughout their lifetime

Do you think it is better to have them suffer?

Interesting to see the restaurant prices have turned to be a robbery everywhere rather than my country :)

Oh, that price was just the entry to the castle. The grill was the same again. Coffee and ice cream was 30€

How strange to let some inmates travel. or failing that, a prisoner

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I guess movies really do a good job of showing prisons as interesting. Once you think about it, prisons are expected to be bare and have as little objects as possible because of the threat of weapons. So seeing that furnished cell was pretty interesting. The tattoo pen was pretty ingenious, and I wasn't expecting that.

Ever been to jail?

Does the school count? If not then no.

If the prisoners here in Nigeria are allowed to travel, the majority of them would have escaped
Prison break happens a lot here when some people are trying to get their friends of families out of prison by force
This method can’t work here😅

Is smallsteps wearing a bow on her wrist? I've seen sorting through old photos and found a few of middle child at a similar age wearing a ribbon/bow tied around her wrist and am now wondering if it's an age thing XD

Prison seems nice, I can see why youngest was arguing that it doesn't seem like such a big deal as you get free food and housing and all the perks and social stigma is too abstract a concept to mean anything at all to him (and by the time he understands what it means then it's probably way too late).