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RE: Wednesday Walk Fort Tabor

I twisted my knee yesterday and then while trying to favor it I twinged my back so we are a right pair today
But I know I will be right as rain if I take it easy for a day or so

Yes let’s hope next week the doctor can help Lulu poor thing has been through so much


Both of you rest up, summer is coming when you want to enjoy the outdoors hopefully both mended enough to go explore!

I have taken it easy for a couple of days and feeling less achy
Let’s hope the Dr can get Lulu feeling better so we can both enjoy summer

Best to rest or it takes a lot longer to get back out walking again. Hope Doc finds the problem and is able to rectify soon. Take care!

Yes indeed she met someone with similar problems today who is having physical therapy for it so that may be an option

If Lulu can do it without chemicals it is a far better option, back problems are so painful it is better to try many routes to alleviate before giving in and doing nothing.

Yea indeed after her time in hospital she is on so many more already would be better to reduce them not add more

Exactly what I told my son after two breakdowns, doctors are quick to add chemicals, reduce tablets slowly, already eating healthy and exercising, it all takes time but is well worth it.