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RE: Expectant :

I have (or better said, had, until it broke) a Nikon Coolpix camera. Point and shoot, it made good images under daylight conditions. I never played with in-camera effects - nor do I with any of my other cameras. For that, I use Photoshop. I got the CS 2 version, which is not supported anymore by Adobe, but I also got it for nothing, free download. Just google "Adobe CS2 free download" and find a suitable site (but be careful about scam sites, I have Norton Security pre-check my searches). There is so much more you can do in Photoshop, even though I had Photoshop for long time (a previous version, Adobe 7, went to file heaven with a crashed hard drive), I have not even explored all possibilities with the various filters and program settings.
What you finally came up with works pretty good. Maybe try making AI variations in Dream Wombo and/or Deep Dream. A combination of the two works pretty good as well. As for Dream Wombo, you get a additional feature on your phone, which is not available on the PC version, and that is you can upload your own artwork (or photo) to influence the outcome, settings would be from shallow, to medium to strong. What works best when you do that are more simple images with strong contrasts. If you check my previous posts, I have several that deal with that.


Hey, thanks for stopping by Otto. I appreciate your time. This post came out after i left that message... so the one i really wanted you to see was This One.

I have PS version CS6 i think that i also got for free. I just have a difficult time trying to get the user interface to work the way i need it to. I'm sure it's operator error. hahaha I generally don't mess with the settings in an art way on my digital cameras. I usually know what i want the outcome to look like and just set it to produce the photos looking that way.

I have played around with AI stuff... just not the Wombo one yet. I will have to give it a go. You don't have to respond to this comment... since i am going back to comment on your post's thread now! hahaha