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RE: When The Closest Gym To The House is A Cult

in Rant, Complain, Talklast year (edited)

Fuck yes! Coolest thing I read all day. As much as I shouldn't admit it, I laugh at funerals. I know, I should probably keep that to myself.

Funny, thank you.
Authentic, absolutely.

That's my gym these days, Fredaig, a buncha judgy white, far-right Christian extremists whose license plates say shit like "Pro Life" and have aborted fetuses pictured on them.

Hilarious, I know, and 100% true.


Hahaha!! Lolzzzz i know when you cracking a joke🤣

 last year  

= } All you have to do is go anywhere and watch. They make it easy, watch..

We just got back from a wedding where the bridesmaid was a guinea pig. Not that kinda guinea pig like you're thinking, I mean an actual guinea pig like you get at a pet store. A stinky ass full-grown rodent that the maid of honor cradled in her arms at the altar during the ceremony. Guess what else?

I'm totally serious.

And have evidentiary photos.

Who takes a guinea pig to a wedding 🤣🤣🤣 some kinda pet, please send photos let me see how funny she looks

 last year (edited) 

Oh, don't worry, they're coming. The only one who took more photos than me was the paid photographer. = }

Just when you think you've seen it all.

Hahaha i can relate, funny as always cracks me up