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RE: When The Closest Gym To The House is A Cult

in Rant, Complain, Talklast year (edited)

"Holy shit." It's totally acceptable. = }

You painted that scene so well. My cousins grew up the same way. Alter boys and girls and school and Sunday and.. I spent a couple summers with them.

Those Sunday's were the loooonngest of the year.



Thank gawd it is!

I remember feeling tricked when the first time my help was needed was on a Sunday, MORNING ff sake! I was like this is not what I signed up for!

The worst thing (this is actually nothing to laugh about, but the truth) is that the classmate that I usually had to do this with and myself could not really deal with the situation. Us not being religious by heart and having to sit inside a church with a priest rambling about things we had no interest in and then looking at each other starting to laugh. This is not the worst thing with a wedding but with a funeral, it's not convenient if you can't hold it in.

When I noticed this was a re-occurring situation, I said I'd stop helping because I just didn't know how to act in that situation and it was definitely not for me.

It had nothing to do with what was going on but purely started when we had to wear these gowns and got instructed every time (us forgetting it immediately due to lack of real interest) .. this was not my best decision lol, but at least it made being in school more appealing :) and gave me back my Sunday mornings.

Have a great week sir! <3

 last year  

No way, that was you?? Crack a couple Bible jokes and all the freaks come out. = }

So you're hip to all that this is my body, this is my blood stuff. I was never allowed to partake. Not cool enough, I guess. Or ostracized, they never really said.

Always a pleasure when you stop by.

In Jesus name we pray.