Hive pets// lilic y pegy peleando como perros y gatos ...// lilic solo se defiende... 🥺// (Esp-Eng)

in Hive Pets2 years ago


Saludos una vez mas a todos mis queridos amigos de hive y especificamente a la comunidad hive pets , esta semana deseo compartir con ustedes una situación por la que estoy atravesando en este momento y es una de las pocas veces que no se que hacer, es en relación a una riña que tuvo mi gata lilic con pegymar la perrita de mi suegra , para explicarles un poco lo primero que deben saber es que la relación entre ellas es mala

Greetings once again to all my dear hive friends and specifically to the hive pets community, this week I want to share with you a situation that I am going through at the moment and it is one of the few times that I don't know what to do, It is in relation to a fight that my cat Lilic had with Pegymar, my mother-in-law's dog. To explain a little, the first thing you should know is that the relationship between them is bad.


Mi suegra vive a algunas casas de la mia y cada vez que viene a visitarme se trae con sigo a pegimar pero desde que mi gata lilic la ve comienza la riña entre ellas, pegimar no deja de perseguirla por toda la casa y lilic se siente muy amenazada ante esta situación, por lo que de vez en cuando le lanza sus arañasos para que pegy se tranquilice

My mother-in-law lives a few houses from mine and every time she comes to visit me she brings Pegimar with me, but since my cat Lilic sees her, the fight between them begins, Pegimar does not stop chasing her around the house and Lilic feels very threatened by this situation, so from time to time he throws his scratches at her so that pegy calms down

Pegymar tiene 7 años con mi suegra y esta algo vieja por lo que si corre mucho se malogra alguna pata, hay veces que come acostada por que se cansa y asi como esto muchas cosas mas, hace como 6 meses atras ocurrio un accidente entre lilic y pegymar, ya que la perrita se le encimo a mi gata y ella le respondio de forma agresiva con arañasos que le malogro la vista, mi suegra estaba sumamente molesta por que pegy estuvo 2 semanas mal de la vista hoy en dia ella me dice que a raíz de esto su perra perdio gran parte de la visión

Pegymar is 7 years old with my mother-in-law and she is a bit old so if she runs a lot a leg is damaged, there are times she eats lying down because she gets tired and like this many other things, about 6 months ago an accident occurred between lilic and pegymar, since the dog got on top of my cat and she responded aggressively with scratches that damaged her sight, my mother-in-law was extremely upset because pegy had bad eyesight for 2 weeks today she tells me that as a result of this his dog lost much of his vision


El sabado decidimos compartir un café mi esposo mi suegra y yo y volvio a traer a la casa a pegymar, la perrita nuevamente persiguiendo a lilic y ya la tenia un poco agotada, lilic volvio a actuar esta vez en uno de los ojos de pegymar , mi suegra y yo tuvimos algunas palabras a raíz de la disputa de las peleonas y ella se marcho de mi hogar sin despedirse

On Saturday, my husband, my mother-in-law and I decided to share a coffee and he brought Pegymar home again, the dog again chasing Lilic and she was already a little exhausted, Lilic acted again this time in one of Pegymar's eyes, my mother-in-law and I had a few words as a result of the dispute between the fights and she left my home without saying goodbye


Lo cierto del caso es que al dia siguiente es decir el domingo por mensajes de texto nos hablamos para disculparnos por la actitud de ambas pero lo que me da mas tristeza de todo este asunto es que a raíz de el encontronaso que tuvieron la gata y la perra pegy fue la mas afectada por que lilic le lastimo un ojo nuevamente y hoy le amanecio super pegado con lagañas y según lo que mi suegra me comenta la nota adolorida

The truth of the matter is that the next day, that is to say, on Sunday by text messages, we spoke to apologize for the attitude of both of them, but what makes me more sad about this whole matter is that as a result of the encounter between the cat and the bitch pegy was the most affected because lilic hurt her eye again and today she woke up super stuck with lagañas and according to what my mother-in-law tells me the sore note


A todas estas mi esposo y mi suegra me dicen que lilic es muy agresiva y que no esta bien su proceder pero yo pienso que es algo normal por que ella simplemente se esta defendiendo una vez mas de un ataque de pegy, lilic con migo siempre se muestra tranquila y en ocasiones cariñosa, claramente ella no se deja acariciar con todo el mundo y las caricias se las doy solo cuando ella esta dispuesta a recibirlas , es decir lilic y yo nos entendemos a la perfección , de hecho he evitado adoptar un perro por que se que a ella le gusta su tranquilidad

To all of these, my husband and my mother-in-law tell me that Lilic is very aggressive and that her behavior is not right, but I think it is normal because she is simply defending herself once again from an attack by Pegy, Lilic always knows with me she shows calm and sometimes affectionate, clearly she does not allow herself to be caressed by everyone and I give her caresses only when she is willing to receive them, that is, lilic and I understand each other perfectly, in fact I have avoided adopting a dog for I know that she likes her tranquility

A todas estas conversando con mi esposo me recomienda que envie a lilic donde mi mamá por que esta muy rabiosa y adoptemos un perrito y yo no quiero que lilic se vaya de mi hogar , ella y yo nos entendemos a la perfección, ni a ella ni a mi nos gusta que nos pèrturben nuestra paz y yo entiendo que cuando ella reacciona asi es por que se siente amenazada de resto ella no molesta solo duerme, camina de un lado a otro, se alimenta , sale a buscar arena para hacer sus necesidades y regresa a casa para que la acaricie si ella lo desea sino simplemente se retira a su silla a dormir

To all these talking with my husband, he recommends that I send lilic to my mother because she is very angry and we adopt a puppy and I do not want lilic to leave my home, she and I understand each other perfectly, neither her nor I like it when our peace is disturbed and I understand that when she reacts like this it's because she feels threatened by the rest, she doesn't bother, she just sleeps, walks from one place to another, feeds herself, goes out to look for sand to relieve herself and he returns home to be petted if she wishes otherwise he simply retires to his chair to sleep

Mis queridos amigos de hive pets siento que deben entender mi situación y les pido de corazón que me dejen sus sugerencias sobre esta situación que me esta ocurriendo en casa yo amo a mi gata lilic pero mi esposo esta negado a que siga con nosotros,fue un placer compartir mi historia con ustedes nos veremos pronto saludos desde Venezuela...

My dear friends at hive pets, I feel that you should understand my situation and I sincerely ask you to leave me your suggestions about this situation that is happening to me at home. I love my cat Lilic, but my husband refuses to let him continue with us, it was a pleasure to share my story with you see you soon greetings from Venezuela...


Greetings @loren0110, the only solution is to avoid visitors arriving with pets that disturb lilic because she is in her home, I wish you luck and that the conflict is resolved.

Hello, thanks for your recommendation, I thought that she only attacks when she feels threatened and that they are bothering her in her rest territory. Lilic is extremely calm...🐱🐱🐱