False allegations: Is Hive an oligarchy?

in #hive3 years ago (edited)

My series of bee posts aims to bring closer to the new users philosophy and ideas behind Hive. I'm describing the topics which might be already obvious to many, but I feel it might be beneficial, if you are just getting into the Hive or the world of blockchain technology.

One of the arguments against Hive, I see in the Internet, says our chain is an oligarchy. When you see some accounts having huge stake, and other accounts being constantly in trending, you might fall for this optics. I'll try to show you, how our ecosystem differs from our usual day to day oligarchy, most of us live in the outside world.

It's all about incentives, visibility and power.


In outdated centralized economy model, you have incentive to hoard as much as possible without any care for outside world. Any care is actually your cost and it hurts your profit, so it doesn't matter how you act to get more. Any negative feedback loops are to long to kick in to hurt your wealth in the real, noticeable way. You are incentivized to maintain status quo, or influence the system in the way that will make even more friendly environment for your business model, it's obvious and it happens more or less visibly.

At the end it boils down to transparency. Your actions are not visible to large crowd, you are free to be hidden and work behind the curtain. Manipulating politicians, investing money in certain "charities" or political projects, buying media platforms, lobbying, there are many ways to influence governance systems subtly. Capitalism and democracy, doesn't get along, it's nothing new. At the same time the illusion of freedom is created, mythical equal influence with your voting once in a few years, puppet show and discussion within "safe boundaries". We all know it too much.

We don't have equal power. Democracy in it's core aimed to change this, but as any other idea it happened to became deformed and rotten with time. The system has been exploited to it's boundaries, to became it's own caricature. It's in our nature, we tend to overuse our power. Our brains didn't evolve to deal with big amounts of power, and having power changes our neural wiring in a specific way. Famous Robert Anton Wilson had a very interesting take on the topic of power.


With the advent of blockchain, which actually boils down to digital ownership, we are finally free to change this situation. Just by a little bit. But it turns out one little tweak has a tremendous effect on the whole system.

Oh Hive blockchain, the biggest whales are held accountable to their decisions, 13weeks power down period ensures this. Any malicious action aimed at community, inevitably will hurt stake of those in power. It works other way as well. If you want to grow value of your stake, just do what's beneficial for the whole community. Creating circle-jerk community type might grow your stake, however in the long run it creates worthless, elitist technologically advanced chatroom. Not a goal of anybody sane enough to accumulate large stake.

Thanks to transparency of blockchain data we can see clearly, that our stakes in the networks differ from each other. This is a natural and beneficial state, our stake reflects our engagement. But on the Hive blockchain, for the first time in history, we have a technology to create real community (from Latin *communis * - in common, public, shared by all or many) of those with more power with these with less power. Bear in mind, Hive is not communism, it doesn't provide equality of outcome, however it gives to all of us equality of opportunities.

Hive is not an utopia -these will never exist- but this is a real, tangible answer to the most burning issues of our obsolete, collapsing system. Next step in the evolution.

Having even 10HP on your Hive account gives you much more influence over Hive governance, than you have on your country's elections. But possibly even more importantly, it's infinitely much more influence over emission of the new currency, than you have in your rotten financial system.

Just think about it for a minute.


And there is one more important thing to be noticed. Hive is not an all or nothing solution type, we don't have to take it all to have our place in the system of systems, which will unfold in the following years. The fittest systems to people's needs are going to persist, it's enough to show up and do our thing. Do you thing corrupt governments will ever fix themselves and provide people with any better than we can?

I'm not.


Zgadzam się z wnioskami, ale odpowiadając na pytanie z tytułu, na które wydaje mi się że nie odpowiedziałeś, tak hive jest oligarchią :p

Niech każdy udzieli odpowiedzi sam sobie. Być może jesteśmy skazani na tę lub inną formę oligarchii. Powinniśmy natomiast domagać się uczciwości, transparentności i równości szans. Tak to widzę osobiście.

Czy jesteśmy skazani tego nie wiem, wydaję mi się, że nie jesteśmy i wydaje mi się że zawszę warto walczyć o lepszy system ;)
Co do drugiego zdania to 100% racji

No i moglibyśmy powoli zagłębiać się w semantykę. Taka ogólna myśl, która mi tu towarzyszy to uznanie dwóch faktów, z pieniędzmi przychodzi władza, no i różnimy się stanem posiadania. Czy sytuacja koncentracji władzy w ośrodkach posiadania to zawsze oligarchia? Nie wiem. Zwracam też uwagę na mechanizmy, które zmuszają te ośrodki władzy do rozsądnych decyzji poprzez finansową odpowiedzialność. Zwracam też uwagę na inkluzywność, otwartość i równość szans, takie są warunki początkowe. Ostatecznie to zachowanie uczestników z czasem pokaże czym stanie się taki system. Zachęty ustawione są bardzo fajnie, ale wchodzimy tutaj z bagażem doświadczeń i społecznym warunkowaniem wykształconym w innych warunkch.

A czy ZAWSZE warto WALCZYĆ o lepszy system? Do tej pory tak było, ale być może w końcu mamy taką sytuację, że to nie system jest problemem, ale nasze przyzwyczajenia, a wtedy to bardziej warto edukować niż walczyć. No, ale znowu, semantyka...


It kinda is at the moment but an oligarchy is better than a cleptocracy :)

Yay! 🤗
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"The elite get a very warped idea of the world indeed".

They probably intentionally do this with the world. I heard from someone that the 2% of Elon Musk's wealth could solve world hunger. Even if this is not true, they (the upper 10% of the richest people) could easily solve the world hunger by providing proper wealth distribution. But probably they do not even want that.

it's a standard oligarchy
but every blockchain is a standard oligarchy so whatever

It is sort of my message, if everything is an oligarchy, then incentives and transparency matter the most.

This post was downvoted because I feel @ecency is not allowing me to use my points which creates a double standard when I have to look at your promoted post, but do not have the same treatment myself when I try to redeem points.