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RE: ▶️ Do Comments Even Matter?! Recapping #CometWeek! [2,000 Hive Given Away For Engagement!] ☄️

in #hive2 years ago (edited)

Am not surprised you @hivecebubloggers are already here before I even finish reading the blog above. So thank you, @hivecebubloggers for engaging all the time!

Wil has been looking out for me and never expected it and I really awe to him and earned his respect.

@xplosive I do have an answer to your question but this is just my personal opinion.
Engagement is maybe not be for everyone, others might have other priorities but I have also been highlighting the importance of engagement in previous blogs. You have to make to know people and this is connecting with them through comments. Since I started this journey four years ago, lots of those whose been following can attest how much time I would spend commenting on everyone's, it was over quite too much and I got a little burned out.

So personally, I would only leave comments on blogs that caught my attention or someone that shares the passion that I have. You don't have to overly do coz you also have to make time for other important things like your family, your health, and your personal growth outside Hive.

Engagement is really important because without it's such a lonely place to be in. That's just me and if I have to highlight the importance pf engagement over and over again using other terminologies that would tag me as recycling of materials, I would. So this shows that I need to expand more my vocab.

Okay, I have to end here and come back next time. It's bed time.