Episode 1184

Full Metal Ox Day 1119
Saturday, 23 March 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1184

The Gospel of Nox

I count on you guys NOT reading these notes. But I post them anyway. I already know that I have to do this over and expand. My dumb ass tried to battle the wind and about 10% of the dialogue was blown away.
Most folks know that "gospel" means "good news". I'm a vagabond philosopher not a profit nor aspiring deity. Nonetheless when I dis-cover methods and strategies that work for me, and cost nothing tangible, I share them.
This episode continues in the theme of an "awakening" from crisis. Think, "order out of chaos". But not the way the "deep state" describes it. Chaos is backed up drains, for example, order, is unclogging, mopping up and figuring out how to keep such chaos from reoccurring.
The philosophy element suggests ways to not freak out during chaotic crises moments, or eras, so we can transition more smoothly from chaos to order.
We're preparing for another move so the episodes will be... "different" but not radically so.

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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes hive.blog/@noxsoma

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YouTube: The Fitness Journey: We're currently in the winter bulking season. But we're doing more flexibility work as well. It's our intention to bulk muscle, slowly & continue to shred fat. I doesn't get crazy cold down here so we expect our outdoor activity to continue. Follow for tips, strategies, results, evals, and adjustments.
One More Park Workout Season 4:

Session 15:
Spring BUGGIN'

Park Session 14:
Hybrid Training

Park Session 13:
Over the Top

Park Session 12
Return to the Rose Philly

Park Session 11
Last Stand in Miami


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Birthday Burpees: Season 3.5 Session 04 Monkey Bars

Leap Day Fitness
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Episode 031

Park Session 10
Sweet Intensity

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03 Monkey Bars
Remembering Old Moves

Mega Shoulder Thorsday
Episode 029

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Contact: [email protected]
Telegram t.me/noxsoma

Living is the best part of life.